
Carpenter Bee Extermination



Carpenter bees begin to be a problem in the Greater Philadelphia area around spring when they hunt for food and places to build their nests. The pests are hard to detect because of their ability to bore through wood. Learning more about carpenter bees and their habits helps you take preventative measures that protect your home and property from their destructive habits.

A skilled and professional carpenter bee exterminator takes care of the issue promptly and successfully. They provide the knowledge, training, and tools needed to remedy your situation without delay. Rather than rely on old-fashioned home remedies to take care of the infestation, it's always best to reach out to a pest control specialist who can get rid of the problem for good.


To the untrained eye, carpenter bees and bumble bees look similar. In Philly, we have both  however they are very different in appearance. For example, bumble bees are very social, live in small underground colonies, and make a lot of noise while they fly. Carpenter bees are more solitary and make their nests out of wood that they bore holes in or plant stems.

Bumble bees are yellow, black, and hairy, whereas carpenter bees are not. Carpenter bees have black hairless bodies with small, purplish wings. Bumble bees are much larger, too, and can sting multiple times if they feel threatened. Carpenter bee females sting. The males can't sting.

The size of the tongue on each variety of bee makes a difference, too. Bumble bees have a long tongue which they use to drink from deeper flowers. Carpenter bees have a short tongue. They use it for drinking nectar from open-faced flowers because they're easier to access.


Carpenter bees have their place on the planet. They help flowers and plants bloom by being pollinators. With that said, they're very destructive when it comes to soft, untreated wood. It's where carpenter bees love to live and can destroy parts of your residence, such as siding, window trim, decks, and fascia boards.

You know you have a problem with carpenter bees if you see an inch-long hole inward. The bees make a turn, creating a tunnel that goes with the wood's grain for six additional inches. Tunnels become home to multiple bees that create smaller tunnels throughout. You'll see sawdust coming out of the hole or even fan-shaped stains where the tunnel openings exist.

You can also hear carpenter bees making noise inside the wood. If you notice all three signs, you need to take action right away. A big infestation may already be present. An exterminator is the best course of action to take to successfully take care of the problem.


Citrus oil is one way to get rid of carpenter bees. The pests don't like the scent and avoid areas where it's present. Carpenter bee houses are also available at most home improvement stores. You can install one on your property to keep the bees from eating your wood and encourage them to continue pollinating flowers.

There is also an array of insecticide sprays and dusts commercially available.

The problem with most home remedies and DIY products is that their effectiveness can be hit-or-miss, and untrained use of insecticides can prove not only ineffective but dangerous to people and pets.

As a result, valuable time and money can be wasted attempting to solve trying an issue far bigger than what you can reasonably take care of alone. Exterminators don't recommend you trying to treat the residence on your own.

The best way to get rid of a carpenter bee infestation is to contact a professional to assist you with your request. An exterminator identifies the type of bees you've seen around your residence. They determine the best way to address the situation by noting how bad the pest problem is currently. The professional also provides you with valuable advice on ways to keep future infestations from occurring.


Carpenter bees can create significant destruction. If you neglect the issue for long, damage can prove costly. Carpenter bee prevention is among the best ways of keeping infestations from occurring. There are several effective things you can do to deter pests.

Staining or painting wood is big . Leaving wood bare allows carpenter bees to access a food source quickly. Even a clear polyurethane sealant works well if you don't want to alter the look of the wood too much. Untreated wood is very appealing to carpenter bees.


Proper carpenter bee control involves a series of steps that include  the application of insecticides, dusts, and sealing up existing holes.  The selected insecticide is used as the initial form of treatment, followed by the injection of a specific dust formulation which provides residual protection.  Finally, entrance holes are plugged after the carpenter bee colony has been given sufficient time to distribute the treatment products throughout the nest area.

Newtown Termite & Pest Control utilizes a multi-faceted approach to eradicating the unwanted bees. When combined, the processes work together to ensure that your home or office remains a pest-free environment.

Schedule a FREE inspection today.


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