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The history of Feasterville, PA goes back as early as 1703. It is located approximately 17 miles northeast of Philadelphia, and is home to over 3,000 residents.

Popular places to visit near Feasterville include The Masonic Library, Museum of Pennsylvania,
Jungle Joe's Wildlife Adventures, and Tyler State Park.

From East Bristol Road to Iris Lane, and from Routes 213 and 132, Newtown Termite & Pest Control, Inc. has been keeping homes and businesses near Feasterville-Trevose area since 1993.

Newtown Termite & Pest Control is a notch above the rest. Combined, our certified technicians have over 50 years of experience doing battle with all sorts of flying, crawling, and burrowing pests.

Newtown Termite & Pest Control is a local family owned and managed exterminator, offering a full range of services, including: ant control, bed bug control, bee control, rodent control, spider control, and termite control.

When you call Newtown Termite & Pest Control you can speak with a real person. We'll schedule a time that’s convenient for you so you won’t have to tie up your whole day waiting around the house.

And we offer same-day service in most cases.


Why do people waste time with multiple bids?  The answer: "Trust". Trust they'll get the job done right and at a fair price.

But we have a better way.  Let Newtown Termite & Pest Control, Inc. give you an estimate first. 

We pledge never to use dishonest sales tactics.  We will inspect your entire home or business and provide you with a FREE estimate. 

Our plan will save you time and frustration.

You have our assurance on that.

Courtesy: Newtown Termite & Pest Control, Inc.
Pest Control Service Plans

Ant infestations do not happen only in houses with dirty kitchens. Instead, they can happen in any home that has a hole or crack in the exterior.

This means that in order to end an infestation, it is necessary to block access to the home, clean up any contaminated surfaces and destroy the ant colony. After a thorough inspection our technician can suggest a treatment plan for your Feasterville-area home or business.

Some Feasterville residents mistakenly believe that a can of bug spray is all that is needed to end a bed bug infestation. The problem with this assumption is that this species is so adept at hiding.

Accordingly, our experienced pest control providers have the training and access to specialized products to provide our customers with the peace of mind knowing that their bed bug infestation has been eradicated.

Due to their economic importance and the benefits they provide as pollinators, most species of bees should be protected from harm when possible.

However, that is not usually the case when wasps and carpenter bees are involved. Here, an experienced Feasterville exterminator should be consulted in order to effectively treat the infestation at its source without posing a health or safety threat to people or pets.

Mosquitoes will always make an appearance when the weather begins to get warm, but this doesn’t mean Feasterville area residents have to accept an aggravating situation.

When a mosquito infestation occurs, it is best to have exterminator inspect the property. With the use of barrier sprays and other methods, they can help people to take back control of their property so that they can fully enjoy it again.

The specific treatment for rodents will vary according to the species. This means that it is crucial to have a Feasterville rodent control professional diagnose the problem.

Experienced technicians have undergone critical training that enables them to identify a rodent species based on a few vital clues. Then, they are able to devise treatment methods that are quick, effective and safe to use around people and pets.

These pests tend to congregate where plenty of food is available. Accordingly, hiring a professional Feasterville pest control company is one of the best options for reducing spider populations.

After a thorough inspection an experienced pest control technician can immediately begin treatment. Between exclusion methods and reliable treatments, any home or office can be free of spiders along with any pests that may be present.

Often a Feasterville resident does not realize that they have a termite problem until it is too late. This means that the pests have already been feeding on man-made structures for months

When an exterminator discovers a termite infestation, they likely will apply a termiticide around the outdoor areas on the property and into the ground beneath the structure. Additionally, baits may be utilized to help suppress future colony expansion.

TAP insulation, otherwise known as Thermal-Acoustical-Pest Control Insulation, combines the benefits of traditional cellulose-based insulation with an added pest control additive.

TAP insulation provides additional insulation around conduits and pipes, and offers a higher R-Value than fiberglass insulation.  All of this could add up to significant savings in heat and cooling costs for the average Feasterville are home or office.

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