


During the summer, mosquitoes drive Doylestown residents crazy with their itchy bites. Is there a way to minimize the chances of being harassed by mosquitoes in the warmer months?

The good news is that there are steps that property owners can take to limit the number of mosquitoes in their immediate area. Species like the common northern house mosquito and the Asian tiger mosquito frequently are encountered in this locale, and control methods are quite similar for the two species.

Why do mosquitoes bite? It is the females who are compelled to do so as a blood meal is an imperative step in the egg-laying process. Unfortunately, this behavior leaves bite victims with an itchy wound.

The problem can be more serious than that because mosquitoes are vectors. This means that they carry several illnesses that may be transmitted to people through a bite. Some of these illnesses can be serious, and even fatal, if they are not promptly and correctly treated.

While there are gadgets on the market that promise to keep mosquitoes away, the best method of control is to ask a pest management professional for treatments. Exterminators identify the conditions on the property that make it more vulnerable to mosquito infestation. Correcting these conditions goes a long way toward minimizing the mosquito population.

The exterminator further may utilize commercial-strength treatments to help eliminate mosquitoes along with their eggs and larvae. This makes time spent in the outdoors far more pleasant and comfortable for people.


Similar to flies, mosquitoes have one pair of wings, a prominent proboscis and legs that are long and spindly. The female uses that proboscis to take blood meals from mammals, including humans. Most mosquitoes measure approximately three to nine millimeters when fully grown. Microscopic inspection reveals that the mosquito's body and wings are covered with minuscule scales.

It is relatively easy to distinguish between common house mosquitoes and Asian tiger mosquitoes. While common house mosquitoes are brown and have faint, barely visible stripes, the Asian tiger mosquito has black coloration that is marked with distinctive white or silver patches or stripes.


Although mosquitoes are considered a solitary species because they do not live in colonies or nests, huge numbers of these pests may gather in a single place that offers the perfect habitat.

Mosquitoes look for a habitat that promises plenty of food. This means that plants, trees and honeydew-producing insects are present, but the species also will look for a site that is frequented by people and other mammals to ensure the availability of blood meals for the females.

Damp locations or those that have standing water are highly preferred by these pests. This is because eggs are laid in standing water. While a pond or lake can be used for this purpose, the female mosquito does not need a large body of water. A small puddle in a discarded bottle cap is all she needs in which to lay her eggs.

Clogged gutters, abandoned tires lying on their sides, puddles and bird baths all are examples of places in which females will lay their eggs. If the property has any leaks in irrigation or plumbing systems, these also can serve as mosquito habitat.


In general, mosquitoes are looked upon as a nuisance species that does not cause property damage. Nonetheless, these pests are attracted to conditions, like leaks or standing water issues, that could cause property damage. The presence of a large mosquito population may signal a maintenance issue that needs to be corrected.


Mosquitoes live on a steady diet of sweet foods like sap from a tree or nectar from plants. Honeydew, a substance that is excreted by many insects, is another favorite. When people enjoy meals in the outdoors, they will find that mosquitoes are drawn to sodas, juices, desserts, condiments, fruits and any other items that may contain sugar.

Male mosquitoes do not bite mammals. Instead, bites are always inflicted by females because they need a meal of blood to enable them to lay eggs.



However, only female mosquitoes bite and draw blood from humans.  While both male and female mosquitoes possess similar mouthparts called proboscis, the biting apparatus of the female is thinner and better designed for stinging and drawing blood which necessary for egg production.


When it comes to obtaining the necessary blood meal, mosquitoes can seem relentless. The problem multiplies when the species finds particularly conducive habitats that are warm and humid. New generations can be brought about in a matter of weeks, making the problem seem particularly aggressive as people are bitten whenever they venture outdoors.


All female mosquitoes may be vectors. They take a blood meal from an infected animal, and that infection quickly grows in the mosquito's digestive system. After the infection reaches the mosquito's salivary glands, it can be transmitted to human hosts.

West Nile virus and Zika virus both are carried by common house mosquitoes in Doylestown. Symptoms of West Nile virus may include pain in the joints, headache, rash and body aches. Zika virus victims frequently suffer from headaches, vomiting, fever, rash and reddened eyes.

The Asian tiger mosquito is a frequent carrier of illnesses such as Chikungunya, dengue fever and eastern equine encephalitis.


Signs of a mosquito issue include the following:

• Encountering mosquitoes inside buildings
• Suffering or hearing reports of many biting incidents
• The appearance of unusual symptoms of illness after a mosquito bite
• The presence of standing water or leaks on the property
• Seeing mosquito swarms on a regular basis


To help prevent problems with mosquitoes the following preventative measures should be taken:

• Fixing leaks in plumbing and irrigation systems
• Correcting standing water problems
• Keeping gutters and downspouts clear
• Removing brush and clutter from outdoor areas as these may conceal standing water
• Getting rid of debris and garbage in the landscaping that may be holding water
• Making certain that water features have a proper amount of continuous agitation
• Changing water in bird baths and pools on a regular basis


At Newtown Termite & Pest Control, we know that mosquitoes are much more than a mere nuisance and  represent a potential health risk to you and your family.  That is why we provide a thorough inspection, and  then utilize only the finest professional-grade products combined with the most effective treatment methods.

To achieve the best results possible, we use a comprehensive system based on both treatment and prevention when providing mosquito control for your Doylestown home or business.

Schedule a FREE inspection today.



Courtesy: Newtown Termite & Pest Control, Inc.
Select a pest species
Asian Tiger Mosquito
Common House Mosquito
Mosquito On Arm
West Nile Virus
Dengue Fever
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