


Mosquitoes are the type of pests that cause harm quickly. That is why they must be addressed promptly after discovery. By treating the issue, people are able to avoid the aftermath that occurs when being bitten by a swarm of mosquitoes. Not only is it a way to avoid catching illness, but it is also a way to protect others.

Professional pest removal services in Ewing, NJ make it possible to address the issue quickly and successfully.


Knowing what mosquitoes look like helps people treat them correctly to prevent future infestations. The winged insects range in size from small and medium to large. They have distinctive markings that help identify them, too. For example, the common house mosquito and Asian tiger mosquito look very different from one another and also possess different activity patterns that make them distinctive.
Common house mosquitoes have pale brown bodies with an abdomen covered in white scales. Not only that, but they also have a tendency to appear at night. These mosquitoes can fly long distances in search of food, so be cautious in their presence.
Asian tiger mosquitoes have black and white stripes are what make this mosquito very easy to identify. These insects fly around day and night in search of their next meal, making them an ongoing threat.

The likelihood of encountering either variety of mosquito is great. It is the reason why people should do what they can to prevent infestations from occurring in their homes and on their properties. Doing so reduces the risk of illness and disease, and keeps mosquitoes from wanting to lay their larvae in places that the pests feel are safe from predators.


Mosquitoes are found annually throughout the Ewing, NJ region.

According to Purdue University's Extension of Medical Entomology, the winged pests lay larvae in bodies of water, both permanent and semi-permanent. They also are attracted to wet and dry sites, transitory or alternating. Containers such as buckets, basins, and cans attract mosquito populations. To avoid issues on a property, residents should do their part to dump all standing water they can to keep mosquitoes from laying their eggs in the containers.


Mosquito larvae rely on food sources near the water in which they hatch. Algae, bacteria, and microorganisms provide sustenance to the young mosquitoes. Adult females, however, require more substantial food sources to survive. They need blood in order to lay eggs.


People who live and work in areas where both common house mosquitoes and Asian tiger mosquitoes are present may feel that they are plagued by these pests on a 24/7 basis. This is because Asian tiger mosquitoes come out during the day while common house mosquitoes appear around dusk. Thus, it is not possible to go outside without encountering mosquitoes in some measure,

Unskilled at flight, Asian tiger mosquitoes do not venture far to obtain a blood meal. Common house mosquitoes are stronger fliers, and they may go up to 14 miles from their breeding ground to find a host. Either way, if people are regularly being bitten while on the premises, professional mosquito control is a sensible measure.


Yes, mosquitoes carry a multitude of diseases due to their need to feast on blood. Illnesses Zika Virus and West Nile Virus. Symptoms vary with each disease with some people only experiencing mild discomfort. Still, medical treatment must be sought if anyone suspects that they may have either virus as a result of mosquito bites.

The CDC also warns against Dengue and Malaria which can also be transferred to people through mosquitoes. To treat a mosquito bite, be mindful to wash the infected area with soap and water. After thoroughly cleaning the bite, apply a cold compress to reduce swelling. Baking soda and water can be used to create a paste to reduce itching..


Mosquitoes may become a problem when:

• Landscaping is cluttered with debris
• There is excessive standing water on the property
• Ponds, puddles, bird baths and wading pools are neglected
• Doors and windows are left open and do not have screens
• Several people report being bitten many times


To Help prevent mosquito issues the following steps should be taken:

• Clearing clutter from the premises
• Ensuring that water features are properly agitated
• Removing yard debris that may be concealing small amounts of water
• Keeping high-quality screens on doors and windows
• Eliminating standing water problems
• Fixing water leaks in plumbing and irrigation systems


At Newtown Termite & Pest Control, we know that mosquitoes are much more than a mere nuisance and  represent a potential health risk to you and your family.  That is why we provide a thorough inspection, and  then utilize only the finest professional-grade products combined with the most effective treatment methods.

To achieve the best results possible, Newtown uses a comprehensive system based on both treatment and prevention when providing mosquito control for your home or business.


We first consult with our clients in order to get initial information, including general locations where mosquito activity is the heaviest or most frequently experienced.


We then conduct an exterior inspection of the structure and immediate grounds for conditions that are known to be conducive for attracting/harboring mosquitoes as well as enabling them to breed.


Our certified technician will then administer the appropriate treatment which will encompass a 100-foot radius around the exterior of the structure, while also focusing extra attention on resting areas and breeding grounds, including:

• Shaded areas
• Sheltered areas
• High-moisture areas
• Bushes/hedges
• Decks
• Patios
• Overhead foliage

Schedule a FREE inspection today.



Courtesy: Newtown Termite & Pest Control, Inc.

Select a pest species
Asian Tiger Mosquito
Common House Mosquito
Mosquito On Arm
West Nile Virus
Dengue Fever
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