Florida Woods Cockroaches

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Even though they like the outdoor humidity that Saint Cloud has to offer, the Florida woods cockroach (Eurycotis floridana) can become a troublesome pest once it gets inside of homes. Commonly referred to as the palmetto bug, this subtropical cockroach is big and slow with a notably bad odor.

Their preferred indoor hideouts are often bathrooms or basements; locations that provide them with the moisture they crave. They may also gather around areas with plumbing issues such as leaking pipes and faucets.

While a full-blown infestation of this species is rare, their presence in homes can spread bacteria and cause respiratory issues for residents. Cockroach feces have a pheromone that attracts other cockroaches, so seeing a couple of these insects around usually means there are more on the way.

Attempting to control Florida woods cockroaches alone can result in skin irritation from fluids that the insects secrete. Since they move slowly, they also take much longer to fall into traps or disperse toxic baits. The most efficient method for getting rid of these roaches is to seek expert pest control services in Saint Cloud.


Adult Florida woods cockroaches are particularly large. They usually measure between 1.2 to 1.6 inches long, though the largest has been found measuring almost 2.5 inches. Their body has a dark reddish brown to black, with the red hue becoming more visible after shedding. This cockroach does not grow wings and instead will have two rectangular pads, called tegmina, between their head and abdomen. Their lack of wings exposes their horizontally plated exoskeleton, which contributes to observers mistaking this roach for the oriental cockroach.

Female roaches can sometimes be seen carrying eggs behind their abdomen. The egg case, known as an ootheca, is initially pink when formed then darkens as it detaches and further develops. Florida woods cockroaches prefer to lay their eggs near areas with adequate levels of moisture. If the area is too wet or dry, the ootheca will be destroyed. While only 60% of the eggs hatch, these insects have a relatively long lifespan of over a year.


The Florida woods cockroach is native to North America and has a rather limited distribution within the southeastern United States. They are prevalent in Saint Cloud and throughout the majority of Florida due to the humid subtropical climate. The species has also been seen along the southern borders of Mississippi, Alabama, and Georgia. Outside of the United States, the roaches retain a presence in the West Indies.

Wood roaches primarily live outdoors in humid woodland areas, including under branches, tree bark, and decaying logs. Throughout their whole lifespan they seek an environment that is warm, dark, and moist. They will not survive in a home under dry conditions. Typically when they come indoors it is because they were incidentally transferred. For instance, they may have been nesting in a firewood pile that was then placed inside of a building. This cockroach species also resides in mulch, so having a layer of separation between mulch and the home will help keep them away.


Florida woods cockroaches are detritivores, meaning they exclusively eat decaying plant matter. Food sources for this insect could include dead plant material such as bark and leaves, in addition to mosses, molds, lichens, and fungi that would be found easily in damp dark habitats.

These food sources are typically present around or near a building and act as a gateway for the roaches to wander indoors. This cockroach species shows no interest in eating food waste or debris from humans.


Florida woods cockroaches rarely enter buildings. If they do, they will not damage any structures. They only eat decaying plant material and will not chew on wooden beams or drywall.

However, they do spray an extremely foul-smelling chemical. Several cockroaches spraying in a home can cause the unpleasant odor to linger. There is also a chance of food contamination and allergies from shed skin and waste material.


While not particularly aggressive towards humans, the Florida woods cockroach has a unique defense mechanism that sets it apart from other cockroaches. This species is equipped with a specialized gland located under its abdomen which produces a potent secretion with an unpleasant odor. Adult cockroaches can spray this liquid as a means of defense against various predators, including other insects and larger vertebrates like birds and rodents. The cockroaches can control the distance of their spray and have reached targets as far as 10 feet away. The Florida woods cockroach is often referred to as the skunk roach or stink roach because of this defensive mechanism.

Getting rid of Florida woods cockroaches becomes more difficult once their spray is accounted for, as sweeping them up or otherwise disturbing them too harshly can trigger the reaction. The foul-smelling liquid is a skin irritant to humans and is especially harmful if it gets into the eyes. Fortunately, only adults can produce and spray this chemical. Nymphs, or juvenile roaches, will instead secrete a glue-like substance that has the same irritating effect.


Most cockroaches spread disease through contamination. As they crawl over trash and filth they transfer bacteria to cleaner areas of the home. Roaches scurrying over food preparation areas, such as kitchen countertops, can cause food poisoning if the bacteria is ingested.

Since Florida woods cockroaches only eat dead plants and prefer the outdoors, they are less likely to spread disease than other cockroach species. However, their waste and shed skins can cause allergic reactions and induce symptoms such as watery eyes, rash, asthma, and congestion.

The risk of spray and traces of bacteria make it imperative to wear protection when dealing with this species. Exterminators in Saint Cloud are equipped with professional-grade tools meant to eliminate cockroaches and sanitize the infested area.


Signs of a Florida woods cockroach infestation include:

• Large, slow-moving insects residing near firewood or stored compost
• Egg cases with a serrated edge found in basements or attics
• Shed skins or dead cockroaches close to one another
• Cockroach droppings, which look like coffee grounds or black pepper
• A strong, unpleasant smell where the roaches nest


To help prevent Florida woods cockroaches the following steps should be taken:

• Store compost, firewood, and other potentially decaying plant materials away from the building
• Trim tree branches and palmettos touching the home, as this is how most pests gain entry indoors
• Place weather stripping under doors to prevent Florida cockroaches from entering
• Use a caulk gun to seal cracks around windows
• Repair leaky faucets and water pipes
• Contact a pest control expert in the Saint Cloud area


Cockroaches are a top pest control issue and can prove virtually impossible for home and business owners to solve on their own. Ending a Florida Woods cockroach infestation typically requires proper species identification, locating and destroying the nest, and applying specialized products.

As such, it is not advisable for property owners to attempt to eradicate a cockroach infestation without assistance from a professional pest control provider.

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