


To many people in Langhorne, it feels as though flea season never ends. This is because fleas can be active all year. That means that it is possible for people and pets to suffer from itchy bites without reprieve.

Fleas may be found in wilderness areas, manicured landscaping and buildings of all descriptions. They are the ultimate survivors thanks to their adaptations that help them to resist ordinary flea treatments. Moreover, these pests reproduce with incredible speed and are tiny, which makes them difficult to find. All of these characteristics combine to make this species seem like it is virtually impossible to eradicate.

Another way in which fleas are adapted for survival is that they are external parasites. This means that they feed on blood from people and mammals. When fleas are able to obtain regular blood meals, they can reproduce quickly. Accordingly, fleas are known to reside in places where they are most likely to find hosts, and they are exceptionally good at finding these places.

Complicating the situation is the fact that most DIY flea treatments are not effective at killing these pests at all stages of development. For instance, some of these treatments will treat adults but miss the larvae and eggs. This allows the cycle of infestation to continue.

Trained and licensed pest management professionals inspect residences and commercial buildings for cat fleas, dog fleas and human fleas. The sooner action is taken to control fleas, the easier the job is. However, no flea infestation is too severe to resist the specialized products that are applied by exterminators. Although these products are powerful, they are safe for use around people and pets when they are applied by professionals. Additionally, these products target fleas at every life stage, which means that they can end the infestation.


The members of the various flea species are minuscule and have adaptations that make it easy for them to cling to animals, like dogs and cats, that have heavy fur. Thanks to their small size and the animal’s hair, it can be challenging to find fleas so that they can be removed.

Fleas are insects, which means that they have six legs. Without wings, the fleas rely on their legs for motion, and they are adapted to move with startling speed.

The smallest such species in the area is the cat flea. Measuring one to three millimeters in length, the cat flea has strong rear legs to assist it with running and jumping. Reddish-brown and black are the most frequently seen colors on cat fleas.

Dog fleas are slightly larger at approximately two to three millimeters. While members of this species prefer to feed from canines, they will feed on other animals and people. Experts may identify this pest based on its five-segmented body, labial palps and dark bulging eyes.

The largest fleas in Langhorne are known as human fleas. Average adults of the species are approximately three to four millimeters long. The abdomen and thorax may appear oversized compared to this flea’s undersized head. When people are not available as hosts, this species feeds on a variety of mammals.


Adult fleas prefer to live on a host for as much of their life as they can. This makes it easier to obtain meals, which is essential for laying eggs, which are placed on the host after mating. The eggs are brushed off when the host makes contact with an object, which means that eggs may fall off inside buildings where they become hidden in upholstered furniture, cracks in the floor, rugs, carpets, pet beds and people’s beds.

The flea life cycles is rapid and brief. Eggs soon hatch into larvae. At this stage, the pests are vulnerable to predators and to being swept or vacuumed away. Larvae may be concealed in floor cracks, rugs, carpets and the neglected spaces behind or beneath furniture.

People and pets that spend time in the wilderness, or even a suburban yard, may run into fleas. Outdoor living situations for fleas include grasslands, sandy soil, piles of yard debris and woodpiles. Any place that promises sufficient shade and moisture may be vulnerable to a flea infestation. When people enter these areas, they may pick up an unwanted parasite.


Fleas do not cause property damage, but people and pets may be bothered by this pest’s itchy bites. Pets may require treatment by a veterinarian if they develop a condition known as flea bite dermatitis. This allergy is caused by flea saliva, and it can lead a dog or cat to scratch themselves until the skin is raw and bloody. These wounds are subject to infection. Some pets may suffer from permanent hair loss.

Similarly, fleas may be infected with tapeworms that they can pass along to pets. The pet may suffer from extreme weight loss until the condition is treated by a veterinarian.


Fleas feed only on blood, and their appetite is voracious. Scientists have discovered that a single flea may eat an amount of blood in a single day that is equivalent to 15 times its total body weight. Dogs, cats and humans are preferred hosts, but these pests also feed on raccoons, skunks, opossums, rabbits, mice and rats.


This is one of the main reasons why people detest fleas. The plague is perhaps the most famous example of a disease that is spread by these pests, but it is not a common illness in North America today.

Typhus is a far more frequently seen sickness that is associated with flea infestations. This is a virus that fleas carry and transmit to people who become their hosts. People who are infected with this illness may develop symptoms such as stomach pain, loss of appetite, vomiting, muscle aches, chills and fever.

Just like animals, it is possible for people to acquire tapeworms after being exposed to fleas. Small children are the most likely victims of this sickness because they spend so much time on or near the floor. When a child suffers appetite issues and unexplained weight loss and there is a suspected flea problem in the house, it is time to seek medical assistance.


With their tiny size and great capacity for reproduction, fleas can be difficult to control. Plus, the fact that they feed only on blood makes these pests seem particularly repulsive to many people. Their ability to survive DIY treatments also make them appear aggressive.


Flea control may be required when these signs are noticed:

Signs of a flea infestation include:

• Pet skin and hair is marred by flea dirt
• People have bite marks on their ankles and feet
• People and pets experience extremely itchy bug bites


To help prevent flea issues the following steps should be taken:

• Set lawn mower blades to a lower level
• Keep foliage in landscaping trimmed
• Apply anti-flea treatments to pets
• Regularly bathe pets
• Steam clean carpets
• Routinely wash pet and human bedding
• Fix issues with standing water on the property


Moderate to severe flea infestations can prove difficult to eradicate.  As such, having the home or business professionally treated may be the best way to remove fleas.  Typically a pest control provider will apply both an interior and exterior treatment, utilizing products designed for immediate eradication as well as residual protection against reinfestation.

Schedule a FREE inspection today.


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