
Thought Leadership
Love Yourself & Your Work


To Medge Jaspan, the heaviest burden that people carry is not knowing their purpose in life. Feeling influenced by family and peers to pretend to be someone they are not, many people live miserable lives, never finding purpose through analyzing their strengths. As an artist, fashion designer, and positive psychology practitioner, Jaspan promises a caring heart and a guiding hand in helping people find joy in their lives where previously there may have been none. Her work includes holistic and emotional healing, and her services are offered both in Pennsylvania and Florida.

Jaspan began her work professionally in 2015, but she has been helping people all her life through leadership in youth organizations and out of a simple desire to help others feel happy. “I realized that increasing happiness wasn’t enough,” she said. “I help people find meaning, purpose, and to answer the question, ‘why are you here?’”

Jaspan described the premise of her work and how she guides her clients. “People who are going through life challenges, physical, mental, and emotional, work with me to heal the root cause of their discomfort, experience emotional release, and discover who they truly are,” she said. “As a positive psychology practitioner and psycho-spiritual teacher, I help them find their confidence, let go of their past, hurt, and resentment to create and rebuild a healthier, happier, and more meaningful life.”

She explained that part of this process is helping people realize and visualize their uniqueness. “I help people realize that they are unique and they have only one vision - their soul vision,” said Jaspan. “Imagine you came to earth and knew exactly what you were supposed to do. Wouldn’t it be great to know your strengths and talents, but still be able to explore it? You don’t have to try to be someone you are not.”

Jaspan spoke about how conforming to peer pressure and social norms contributes to suppressing an individual’s true self. Trying to dress and act like your friends, presenting yourself how your parents want you to, can be suffocating expectations that leave an adult feeling hopeless about their future and their own self worth.

“My program is to help people embrace and enjoy their uniqueness,” said Jaspan. “We are unique and fabulous exactly as we are, but we are not feeling like that. I will never be like my mother or my father, I will never be like my sibling. We have to wake up as human beings and understand that all the struggles we have are because we are trying to be somebody else.”

In consultation with Jaspan, the purpose of her work is to assist her clients in getting to know themselves. “You wake up every morning with one person - yourself,” she said. “If you are miserable because you don’t like what you see in the mirror, it is terrible. I love the person that I am. When I wake up in the morning, I am already happy.”

Her initial 15 minute consultation typically begins with finding out what her clients need help with. Just like an individual’s passions and path in life, their needs are always unique. “Someone who is depressed at 15 is different from someone who is 50 and going through a middle age crisis,” Jaspan said. For the middle aged client, they may need to find more mindfulness in their lives. For the teenager, they need to discover who they are and what they want to do. “The quicker we know our strengths and indulge them, the happier we will be for longer,” Jaspan said. “Even with struggles, life will be enjoyable and interesting.”

By getting to know their strengths, weaknesses, and desires, Jaspan’s clientele can discover their passions in life and how to apply those passions into their work and personal choices. “You will discover what you like, what you enjoy doing, and what you can try at doing.”

Jaspan shared the story of one client of hers who was struggling in her work at restaurants because she could not work as part of a team. She did not like working with people due to the fact that it made her severely uncomfortable. When discussing her passions and strengths with her, the young woman said that she liked animals, and Jaspan suggested working at an animal shelter or a vet instead. “She lit up when I said that,” Jaspan said. “I guide them through their own process to bring back their self esteem, positive emotions, self worth, and the understanding of who they are.”

Jaspan emphasized that when she guides her clients, she is not doing their self discovery for them, and that is what guarantees her results. “I am not doing the work for them, I’m holding their hand in the most kind and loving way,” she said.

When asking her clients what their purpose in life is, a common response she gets is simply to make money. “If your thoughts are always negative, you are struggling in life,” she said. “More positive emotion will make you feel better.”

Jaspan spoke of the physical benefits of feeling more positive emotion as well. When a person keeps those negative emotions inside them, it can become a part of them physically and make them more susceptible to harm. “All the emotion is in your body and hurting you so bad,” she said. “Trauma is in the body.”

Jaspan said that the key to creating more positive emotion is to find your passion.

For herself, her passion is to paint, to make art through clothing, and to express her creativity in any way she can. “When I paint, I even forget to eat,” she said. “That is being in flow.”

One’s perspective on suffering and what exactly suffering is can change their emotional outlook as well. “You can have a better life even if you have no money or spouse. You can be happy if you have a purpose. I’m waking up for something - I have a mission.”

Overall, Jaspan’s message is that finding work in what you are passionate about and love to do will set you up for an overall better life. “What I am mastering today, it’s all my passion,” she said. “I couldn’t be a practitioner and an artist at the same time. I put all my passions together, and work with them. Creativity can be cooking, painting, gardening. You need to be creative to touch your heart. When you open this heart of yours, you really discover who you are.”

“Find your passion to excel in business. It will help you thrive no matter what.”

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