At a distance, a little black ant colony may seem like no cause for concern for any Philadelphia area home or business.
That is unfortunate, because the presence of a few visible ants inside a building may mean that there is a much larger problem, usually happening in some distant and rarely visited corner of the structure. Little black ant nests may be found in a spot next to a structure or under the floor or behind the walls of the building.
Some of the earliest warning signs of a little black ant infestation include noticing a large number of ants clustered around a small opening or hole in the building's exterior or seeing ants anywhere inside a structure.
As a result, little black ants may nest in masonry or woodwork, making it a threat to structural integrity
Little black ants are attracted to homes and commercial sites with food being the main attraction, but members of the species also may be looking for a new place to nest. Yard debris, a pile of wood or exposed soil that is located well away from any buildings should not raise any warning flags.
Much as their name suggests, this ant species is small and black colored. The most numerous members of the colonies are the workers, and these individuals only grow to about 1.5 millimeters in length. The queen, which does not leave the nest and accordingly is rarely seen, can be a much larger size, sometimes reaching up to four millimeters. Experts may identify this ant species by their habitat or by their two-segmented pedicel, which effectively serves as the ant's waist. An unevenly rounded thorax and pair of antennae that is divided into many segments are other distinguishing characteristics.
Little black ants will eat virtually anything, including cornmeal, plant secretions and the honeydew that underground-dwelling insects secrete. Additionally, this species eats a wide variety of insects. With their omnivorous eating habit, these ants can thrive on foods found in kitchens, pantries, cafeterias and desk drawers. Any sweet, greasy or oily foods will be targeted.
Forests offer the perfect habitat for little black ants thanks to the wealth of nesting options and the variety of food on offer. Accordingly, homes or businesses that are located adjacent to forests or that have heavily wooded landscaping may be particularly vulnerable to an infestation of these pests. Supporting this ants' success is the fact that it can select from a multitude of nesting habitats. A tree hollow or roots may be ideal, but a woodpile, a cavity beneath a large rock or a fallen tree also will work.
Similarly, when little black ants nest indoors, they have plenty of options from which to choose. Voids behind walls, above ceilings or beneath floors look inviting, and any decaying wood on the property is liable to host a nest. This rotting material is preferred because it is easier to dig into to create tunnels and galleries.
Most infestations of little black ants do not cause a great deal of damage to buildings. Still, a successful colony of this species may have thousands of members. If the problem is allowed to persist over the course of several seasons, then the nest can become incredibly large and heavy. This puts undue strain on the structure, potentially causing serious damage.
Little black ants may exacerbate issues with decaying or damaged wood, and if they get into food, these items are contaminated and must be disposed of.
Some people know that little black ants have stingers, which may make them think that these ants are likely to attack. However, given the small size of these ants, such attacks are rare. Even if they do happen, people are unlikely to actually be hurt by the little black ant's stinger.
The number of these ants in a single colony can make them appear aggressive to people. When DIY methods are attempted, people may be frustrated to find that the ants simply keep coming. Stronger measures are needed to get on top of the situation.
Frequently, one of the first intimations of a little black ant infestation is an uptick in allergy and asthma symptoms among people occupying the building. Those who have seasonal allergies may experience these symptoms at the wrong time of year, leading them to wonder what is causing the reaction.
Instead of reacting to pollen or another allergen, these people are responding to tiny debris particles that are a natural consequence of the ants tunneling into woodwork and masonry. With the indoor air contaminated, people may experience symptoms like congestion, runny nose, red eyes, sore throats and more.
Bacteria like E. Coli, streptococcus, shigella and salmonella all are spread by these ants. Typically, exposure to these bacteria occur when people eat contaminated food or prepare food on a contaminated surface.
Signs of ant infestation include:
• Cover, seal or fill possible access points in the building's exterior • Choose improved food storage containers that resist pest infestation • Keep areas where food is kept, prepared or eaten free of crumbs and residue • Only allow eating in certain parts of the building • Correct water leaks • Prevent foliage from touching buildings • Keep garbage cans clean and empty them regularly
To help protect against ant issues the following steps should be taken:
• Cover, seal or fill possible access points in the building's exterior • Choose improved food storage containers that resist pest infestation • Keep areas where food is kept, prepared or eaten free of crumbs and residue • Only allow eating in certain parts of the building • Correct water leaks • Prevent foliage from touching buildings • Keep garbage cans clean and empty them regularly
Ants are the number one pest control issue and can prove virtually impossible for home and business owners to solve on their own. Ending an ant infestation typically requires proper ant identification, locating and destroying the nest or colony, as well as the use and application of specialized products.
As such, it is not advisable for property owners to attempt to eradicate an ant infestation without assistance from a professional pest control provider.