Surveys suggest that no other pest is as feared as the rodent. These small, furry creatures are equipped with incisors that grow without stopping. This means that they must chew constantly, and when they get into a home or office, that means damage can occur to almost anything, including the structure itself. With rodents on the loose, it also is necessary to be mindful of the health of everyone who enters the infested residence or commercial structure. Anyone who suspects that they have a rodent problem is advised to contact a professional pest control company without delay.
Controlling rodents is no easy task. That is why professional exterminators typically recommend Integrated Pest Management, or IPM, techniques. This means that eradicating rodents from the home will be accomplished through several interrelated methods, thus ensuring that the infestation is eliminated.
Rodent control begins with proper identification. Rodents often encountered by Doylestown homes and businesses and throughout Pennsylvania include the common house mouse, deer mouse, roof rats and Norway rats. Each of these species has different habits and habitats, meaning that clear identification is vital for eradicating the population. Once the identification is made, the technician can determine where the rodents' nests are located and where they are obtaining food.
With these steps complete, it is time to begin controlling the rodent population. This includes non-chemical methods such as sealing access points that are making it easy for rodents to enter a home or business. The technician additionally may recommend some cleaning and maintenance measures that will make the property less attractive to rodents. These efforts may include removing clutter and vegetation that provide useful hiding places for rodents.
Pest control technicians further may employ mechanical traps and chemical baits. It is extraordinarily important that these baits be placed by a professional. Otherwise, they could pose a threat to people, pets and beneficial wildlife.
Mice, rats and other rodents are extremely adaptable. They can withstand harsh weather extremes, and their diet can consist of a startling variety of items. These are just a couple of reasons why rodents can prove difficult to kill for the property owner who attempts to eradicate a rodent population without professional assistance.
But one of the main reasons that rodents are so difficult to control is because of their astonishing ability to reproduce. Studies show that a small population of just six roof rats can become a population of between 18 and 27 within one month. Norway rats have a gestation period of just 23 days, and their litters number between six and 12 offspring. The common house mouse has litters of five to six babies in only a 21-day gestation period. With such short pregnancies, rodents are capable of delivering multiple litters every year. This is why waiting to call for professional pest control is not a good idea. What begins as a small problem can become an overwhelming infestation in a remarkably short time frame.
Rodents are constantly searching for new sources of food. Additionally, they are curious by nature. This causes them to explore the world with a voracious appetite that might destroy anything and everything. One of the most common types of damage caused by rodents is in the pantry or kitchen cupboard where these small animals forage for food. They gnaw through all sorts of common food packaging to get at the contents. Not only do they eat the food items they find inside, but also they leave behind droppings, urine and traces of saliva that might carry disease.
Rodents do not restrict themselves to chewing on food items and their packaging. Almost any kind of packaging for any kind of item is vulnerable to their incessant gnawing.
Clothing and furniture are not immune to their quest for food and a suitable nest.
Rodents will also chew their way through insulation and wiring. Similarly, they will gnaw through the very structure of the residence or commercial building, chewing on wood, drywall and other building materials as they go. A particularly large infestation may cause severe structural damage.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, or CDC, has identified nearly a dozen diseases that are spread by rodents. These illnesses vary in the severity of the symptoms they bring on, but it is safe to say that no one wants to be infected with any of them.
Salmonellosis is spread by many rat and mice species, and people contract it by consuming food or water that is tainted by rodent feces. The main symptoms include fever, abdominal cramps and diarrhea. Most people recover without medical treatment, but a visit to the doctor may be necessary for those who get severely dehydrated.
Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome is spread by various mouse and rat species. It is most commonly contracted when someone inhales dust contaminated by rodent droppings or urine or through direct contact with these substances. Symptoms include fever, fatigue, chills and nausea, and if the virus is not treated, it can be fatal.
These and other diseases are frequently carried by rodents typically encountered throughout Pennsylvania. It is essential for property owners to limit their exposure and the exposure of others to rodent populations. The best way to do this is by hiring an experienced exterminator.
Eradicating a rodent problem is a major project. Their populations can become huge in just a few weeks' time. With growth like that, it is easy to see why setting out some mouse traps is not equal to the task.
Nevertheless, eradicating the population must remain the property owner's foremost goal. This is because rodent populations tend to carry several diseases that can be transmitted to humans. Some of these illnesses may prove to be fatal without the proper treatment.
A professional pest control provider has specially trained technicians on staff who understand the behavior and habitats of rodent populations threatening local communities. This provides important insight into how to eradicate these infestations. Using advanced IPM techniques, it is possible for a pest management professional to return homes and businesses to a clean and fully functioning state.