


With their incessant need for blood meals, mosquitoes are among the most persistent and annoying of pests in Yardley. Species such as the northern house mosquito and the Asian tiger mosquito can make it difficult for people to venture outdoors.

Controlling these mosquitoes is a perplexing problem. Is it even possible to get rid of pests that are so tiny and move so quickly?

It is possible to get rid of mosquito infestations, but it is not necessarily easy. In fact, it is essential that the problem is approached from several angles at once.

Mosquitoes naturally gravitate toward certain habitats. Landscaping that is overgrown may be attractive, especially if that dense growth conceals excess moisture. This is because the mosquito female looks for water in which to lay her many eggs. A large body of water is not necessary. Even a minuscule drop of water may be enough for her purposes.

Accordingly, any properties on which there is standing water is particularly susceptible to mosquito problems. The water may be in a stagnant man-made pond or a puddle in the parking lot. Either way, it is a mosquito breeding ground. Unless that water is either regularly agitated, in the case of the pond, or eliminated, in the case of the parking lot puddle, mosquitoes will be an ongoing concern.

In addition to correcting issues on the property that are creating inadvertent habitat for mosquitoes, it is essential that a pest management professional be called in to perform an inspection. The inspection will reveal which species are infesting the property. With correct identification, it is possible for the exterminator to recommend certain safe yet effective treatments that will significantly reduce the local mosquito population.


With their spindly long legs and prominent proboscis, mosquitoes are not exactly attractive insects. Still, they are well designed for their lifestyle. That oversized proboscis is ideal for the female to take the blood meal that she needs to prepare for laying eggs.

Tiny scales cover the wings and body of the mosquito, and most full-grown individuals are between three and nine millimeters long.

Common house mosquitoes and Asian tiger mosquitoes are two distinct species. Although they share many characteristics in common, it is possible to tell the two apart by looking at their coloration. Asian tiger mosquitoes are mostly black with highly visible white stripes. By contrast, common house mosquitoes are light brown, and their stripes are difficult to discern.


Some insects, like bees, are considered social because they cohabitate in large nests. This is not the case with mosquitoes, which do not build nests. Nor do they live in communal groups that share responsibilities and fulfill certain roles.

Although mosquitoes are solitary creatures, it remains common to find huge numbers of them in certain areas. Typically, this is because the mosquitoes are drawn to the same favorable conditions. In the case of the Asian tiger mosquito, it is typical for the young to remain in the same location as their parents because they are not adept fliers.

The habitats that attract mosquitoes possess plenty of trees and plants as well as insects that produce honeydew. All of these features promise enough food to support a large mosquito population. Ideally, this area also is visited by mammals, including people, from which blood meals can be obtained.

In addition to having appropriate vegetation and animals, the mosquitoes look for the right damp conditions. Lakes, ponds and puddles with stagnant water are ideal, but it is possible to lay eggs in small accumulations of water such as those in an unused flower pot or a discarded tire.


Plant nectar and tree sap are two of the basic foods that are consumed by the mosquito. Both are sweet substances that provide essential energy. Similarly, mosquitoes frequently feed on honeydew, which a variety of insects produce.

This preference for sweet foods clarifies why mosquitoes may congregate in huge numbers at barbecues and picnics. Any food that contains sugar will attract them. Accordingly, sauces, condiments, sodas, desserts and many other sweet foods are bound to be contaminated by mosquitoes.

It is only the females of the species that bite people to extract blood. Doing so is a necessary part of the pest's reproductive cycle.


Mosquitoes are not known for causing structural or other property damage. Still, if these pests are present in large numbers, it is a certain sign that there are troubling conditions on the property that are attracting them. These issues may include standing water in landscaping or water leaks. Correcting these conditions can make the property far less attractive to mosquitoes.


Female mosquitoes must feed on blood before they can lay eggs. Consequently, they can seem aggressive with their repeated attempts at biting. Most of the time, these bites are harmless but incredibly itchy.


It is possible for mosquito bites to cause far more serious problems than itchiness. Mosquitoes are recognized as vectors for numerous diseases. Typically, they become infected through feeding on an infected host. The pathogens are distributed through the pest's digestive system before settling in the salivary glands where they are transferred to subsequent hosts.

Some people who are bitten by mosquitoes in Yardley may come down with Zika virus. Telltale signs of the illness include red eyes, rash, fever, headaches and vomiting.

Another disease that may be spread by mosquitoes is West Nile virus. People who are bitten by an infected mosquito may develop symptoms such as achy muscles and joints, rash and headache.


Signs of a mosquito problem include:

• Being bitten on a regular basis
• Existing water leaks or standing water
• Cluttered outdoor areas
• Mosquitoes found indoors
• Unexplained symptoms of illness after suffering mosquito bites


To help prevent issues with mosquito infestations the following steps should be taken:

• Install pumps in ponds, swimming pools and other water features
• Eliminate clutter from outdoor areas that may be concealing accumulations of water
• Frequently changing the water in wading pools, pet water bowls and bird baths
• Clean out gutters and downspouts
• Cut back excessive vegetation
• Get rid of standing water
• Fix water leaks


At Newtown Termite & Pest Control, we know that mosquitoes are much more than a mere nuisance and  represent a potential health risk to you and your family.  That is why we provide a thorough inspection, and  then utilize only the finest professional-grade products combined with the most effective treatment methods.

To achieve the best results possible, Newtown uses a comprehensive system based on both treatment and prevention when providing mosquito control for your home or business.

Schedule a FREE inspection today.



Courtesy: Newtown Termite & Pest Control, Inc.

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Asian Tiger Mosquito
Common House Mosquito
Mosquito On Arm
West Nile Virus
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