Dealing with an unsightly and inconvenient ant infestation is no picnic. That's especially true for Lower Southampton- Feasterville area homes and offices dealing with a chronic ant problem. When do-it-yourself methods have failed to bring about the desired results, it's time to call a professional Feasterville ant exterminator.
Ants are mainly a nuisance pest. No one likes to come into their kitchen only to discover a line of ants marching steadily toward a food source. However, ants may cause problems that go beyond inconvenience. There's no way to know what they have been into on their way into someone's house. They may have walked through trash or encountered deceased wildlife on the way. This means that they are now trailing potentially harmful germs and bacteria into the kitchen, a room that should be among the cleanest in the house.
Ants are careless about kitchen hygiene, and that can translate to stomach and intestinal problems for people who accidentally consume contaminated food. Additionally, no one likes to think that their kitchen is less than clean.
Keeping the home or office clean is a major concern when ants invade. However, some species may pose an even more serious threat.carpenter ants are alarmingly common in the Feasterville area. This destructive pest tunnels into wood to create a nest. A colony of significant size may cause severe structural damage unless it is stopped in time.
Many people lose a good portion of their peace of mind when they are confronted with an ant infestation. They wonder if their home isn't as clean as they thought it was and whether or not they did something wrong. Some people are a bit embarrassed by the situation as they assume that they may have done something that brought the ants into their home.
The reality is that some seemingly harmless habits may have contributed to the situation. For example, a basket of fresh fruit kept on a countertop may encourage your family to enjoy healthy snacks, but it also can prove irresistible to pests. Similarly, leaving a few dirty dishes in the sink overnight may draw the pests to your kitchen.
Sometimes, circumstances of which the homeowner is unaware attract ants. Perhaps there is a plumbing leak under the house. Just like the majority of living creatures, ants need water to survive. They can sense a water source from quite some distance, so a steady drip can lure them to the property. Once there, they may begin foraging for food, which could take them straight to the kitchen.
Ants are extraordinarily adept at finding ways to get into buildings. Their small size helps, of course. A crack that seems impossibly tiny to people may look like the Grand Canyon to an ant. Accordingly, they'll climb in to see where it leads. With luck for the ant, the crack will grant them access to a home or other structure where they are certain to find food.
Ants are highly social insects that live in colonies that number in the hundreds or thousands. When one colony member finds a source of food, he creates a pheromone trail that other colony members can follow. These pheromones are incredibly strong and difficult to eradicate. Unless that trail is utterly destroyed, it will continue to attract ants. Ensuring that this trail is eliminated is just one of the things that expert ant exterminators in Feasterville can do for clients.
Ants are among the most difficult pests to eliminate. One reason for this is due to the many places they can hide and reproduce, including living inside walls, floors, kitchen cabinets, and door and window frames.
People often purchase do-it-yourself ant control products available at a variety of stores. And while such products can initially seem to work, the problem always seems to come back more often than not. That's likely because the pheromone trail laid down by that first intrepid ant hasn't been destroyed. Another possible reason for recurrence is that the access point that the ants are using has not been blocked. Furthermore, it may be that the do-it-yourself product failed to kill the entire colony.
This example illustrates the difference between do-it-yourself ant control and the services that are provided by a well-qualified exterminator. Calling in an exterminator may be the only way that you can eliminate this pest from your home for good.
If you've tried a DIY ant solution but haven't gotten results, then it's time to call the professionals. It makes sense to do this sooner rather than later. Delay multiplies the opportunities that the ants have to make someone sick. With carpenter ants, the need to act quickly is even more urgent. Eliminating the carpenter ant infestation with all possible speed is necessary to prevent structural damage.
Enlisting the help of an exterminator to get rid of ants can make all the difference. Their specialized training enables them to identify the type of ant that is causing the problem which is typically critical for applying the appropriate treatment. Different ant species have different habits and behaviors. Understanding these differences makes treatments far more successful.
Moreover, professional exterminators are licensed by the state to use pest control treatments that are not available for use by the public. Despite their strength and efficacy, these treatments are safe for both people and pets when properly applied by a trained technician. That is the difference home and business owners get when they work with an experienced exterminator.
Getting rid of an ant infestation is just the beginning of the solution as far as pest control technicians are concerned. Their other goal is to ensure that such an infestation does not occur again. This may mean suggesting repairs and lifestyle changes that will discourage future invaders.
The technician will also look to identify and repair or block all access points in order to help prevent against future infestations.
Anyone who has experienced an ant invasion knows that once they enter a home or business, ant control is virtually impossible to remove without the help of an experienced exterminator.
Ant control requires a concentrated effort on the part of an experienced professional that can thoroughly inspect the building to identify the type of ant, find where the ant colony exists, locate the points of entry, and determine the best course of action for eliminating an ant problem. Afterwards, an optional maintenance plan can be set up ensure that the ants do not return. We can also help homes or businesses learn proactive measures to take to keep ants away throughout the year.