


People who hear the sounds of rustling behind the walls of their home or see a small, creature scurrying across their floor may have a rodent infestation.

It is not unusual for rodents such as house mice, deer mice, white-footed mice, Norway rats, roof rats and woodrats to come indoors seeking food and shelter in Feasterville area homes and businesses.

As these animals are known to transmit serious diseases and cause property damage, it is recommended to contact an exterminator with all possible speed.


The house mouse is a common pest that is light brown or gray and measure about five to seven inches in length. The body is small and round while the ears are oversized and the eyes are tiny.

The top of the deer mouse's body is covered in a grayish fur, though white fur may be observed on the stomach. A bi-colored tail is darker on the top and lighter on the bottom. Sparse fur adorns the large ears, and this species has bulging black eyes. Adults reach a length of just over seven inches.

On its back, the white-footed mouse is gray or brown, and a dark stripe on the middorsal line is apparent. As the name suggests, this species has white feet, and the belly is a similar color though there may be a tan spot on the chest. This rodent has a bi-colored tail that is lighter on the bottom and ears that are covered in short, dark hair.

A heavy body and shaggy, coarse fur distinguish the Norway rat from other rats. On their backs, the fur is brown with some scattered black hairs. The belly is covered in gray or off-white fur. An adult Norway rat may be between seven and nine inches long with a tail that is nearly the same length. Both the eyes and the ears may seem undersized.

Black or brown roof rats are smaller than Norway rats. Moreover, their soft, smooth fur helps to differentiate them from the other species. On the belly, they may display white, gray or black fur. The tails are covered in scales, and the ears and eyes are large.

Woodrats are a similar size when compared to Norway rats, but they can be distinguished by their hairy tails. In fact, their entire bodies are covered in a fine, soft fur. They have oversized ears, and it may be possible to see that their bellies and feet are a lighter color than their brown or black backs.


Mice tend to be herbivores that are known to eat fruit, mast and seed. Cereal grains are a favorite, but many mice also eat insects.

Rats tend to have a more diverse diet that may include grains, seeds and nuts but also encompasses fish, chicks, lizards, insects and other rodents.

Rodents are known to eat food that has been discarded by people in garbage cans. Their keen sense of smell often leads them into kitchens where they may feed on cereal, pasta, grains, nuts, seeds and many other items.


Rodents are smaller than many other animals, making them a popular prey item. Accordingly, rodents have adapted to choose nesting sites that are likely to help them escape detection. They like quiet, secluded, dark spaces, as their other keen senses make up for a lack of excellent eyesight.

A hollow log, a hole in a tree or a space beneath a large stone may provide the perfect burrow site. Sometimes, rodents will simply take over another animal's abandoned burrow.

Houses provide a wealth of nesting possibilities. A nest may be established in the back of a closet, cupboard or drawer, beneath a kitchen appliance or in a wall void. Exterminators have found nests in attics, basements and abandoned cars. Upholstered furniture and linen closets are ideal hiding places. Rodents also are likely to settle into any place that is cluttered, whether indoors or out, as the clutter provides many hiding spots.


The rodent's teeth are sharp, and his jaws are powerful. This means that he has the ability to chew through virtually everything that he encounters. Accordingly, gnaw marks may be found on construction components like siding and drywall. Roofing tiles have sometimes been destroyed by rodents, and the animals will make any holes in the exterior of a building larger in order to gain access.

Nothing is safe from damage by curious rodents. Cords and electrical wires may be severed with the teeth, leading to outages and fires. Plumbing lines may be damaged as well. Insulation is shredded and carried off as nesting material. Other vulnerable items include books, documents, furniture, toys, linens and anything else that lies in the rodent's path.


Nocturnal rodents prefer to avoid interacting with people. Nonetheless, people do sometimes accidentally corner a rodent, in which case the animal is likely to react with aggression. Biting and scratching are the rodent's defense mechanisms, and any wounds received require a doctor's care.


Scientists have determined that rodents commonly carry dozens of diseases that may be transmitted to people. As rodents infest food and preparation surfaces, the chances of food poisoning increase. This is the most common illness associated with a rodent infestation.

Nonetheless, rodents spread illnesses like rat-bite fever, Hantavirus, Lyme disease and the plague. These and other diseases can prove to be life-threatening if they are not properly diagnosed and treated.


The following signs may indicate the presence of rodents:

• Rustling and squeaking sounds emanate from walls
• Rodent waste products are found indoors
• Grease marks are evident on walls
• Gnaw marks are found on various surfaces


To help keep rodents away the following steps should be taken:

• Fill up cracks and holes in building exteriors
• Store food in glass or metal containers
• Keep garbage cans clean
• Clean up spills and crumbs as soon as they happen


Successful rodent control typically involves a series of steps, including trapping, poison baits, along with proper species identification.

Those who suspect a rodent problem should contact Newtown Termite & Pest Control.  Our experienced pest control professionals know how to inspect a structure to determine the type and scope of the infestation involved. They will then execute the appropriate plan of action to resolve the specific rodent issue plaguing your Feasterville area home or business while identifying entry points to help protect against future problems.

Schedule a FREE inspection today.



Courtesy: Newtown Termite & Pest Control, Inc.

Courtesy: Newtown Termite & Pest Control, Inc.

Select a pest species
Deer Mouse
Common House Mouse
White-Footed Mouse
Norway Rat
Roof Rat
Wood Rat
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