

Property owners in Feasterville may worry about repairing leaky roofs and adding a new coat of paint to a building's exterior to protect a structure, but they tend to think less frequently about the damage that termites can do. The prevalent termite species in the region, the Eastern subterranean termite, is capable of inflicting massive damage to the substructures of any building. Much of this damage can occur without the property owners being aware that the pests are present.

How are these insects able to do so much harm without people noticing them? The clue is in their name. As a mainly subterranean creature, these termites rarely are seen above ground. Most of their time is spent either in an underground nest or foraging for food. This food may be obtained from a rotting tree, but often these pests will feast on the support joists, wooden framing and other components that are found beneath or within man-made structures.

People usually do not venture into basements and crawl spaces where termites are most likely to feed. Accordingly, the insects are able to eat as much as they like without people being aware that there is an issue.

If termites are so stealthy and do much of their work under the radar, how can people combat them? The easiest and most certain strategy is to hire a pest management company to perform an inspection on at least an annual basis.

Termite inspections reveal not only the presence of destructive pests but also provide important tips to the property owner for how they can protect the premises. By taking proactive steps, it is possible to avoid the costly repairs that frequently are associated with termite infestations.


Typical colonies of this termite species may have several thousand or more than one million members. Each termite has a specific part to play in the colony's survival. Divided into castes, each termite's appearance varies depending upon their job.

Termite colonies have more workers than any other type of colony member. Full-grown adults measure approximately one-eighth of an inch in length and have bodies that are a translucent creamy white. The jaw stands out because it is darker.

Soldiers are slightly larger than workers, which equips them for defense of the colony. For the same purpose, soldiers have oversized pincers. Ranging in color from yellow to dark brown, the soldier also has a much larger head than the worker.

Reproductives, or swarmers, emerge from a mature and well-established colony. They swarm in the spring, mate and then the female establishes a new colony nearby. These are the only termites of this species that are equipped with wings. They are larger than both the workers and the soldiers and are usually black.


Termite colonies in Feasterville usually construct elaborate underground nests. Found between four and 18 inches beneath the soil surface, these nests contain multiple tunnels and chambers. Most nests are not located within food sources, but these are usually nearby. This is why termite activity is likely to be centered around a rotting tree or stump. The nest is adjacent to this food source, making it easier and safer for the workers to travel back and forth.

The same is true when termites are feeding on man-made structures. Termites may place their nest next to the foundation. Workers build mud tunnels that allow them to frequently move between the nest and the structure. It is essential to termite survival that they limit their exposure to the open air as this can be lethal to them. Seeing a network of mud tunnels on a building's foundation may be one of the earliest signs of a termite infestation.


Subterranean termites typically gain entry into homes and businesses where wooden portions of the structure are accessible to them, which include posts, frames, steps, etc. 

Additionally,  termites can enter through cracks in foundations and stone or brick surfaces as small 1/32 of an inch -- half the thickness of a penny.

Once inside a heated structure, termites can remain active throughout the year and maintain their activities 24 hours a day.


Every tree and plant on the planet is largely composed of a material called cellulose. It is from cellulose that termites derive all of their nutritional needs. This explains why these insects treat man-made structures like a feast. Many of the components in buildings, from wood to drywall, have at least some cellulose in them.

Termites may feed on furniture and other items when infestations are particularly large and out of control. This means that they also may be found in pantries and kitchens, eating paper-based food packaging. They do not consume the food in the packaging, but these items may be contaminated by termite waste products.


Most termite damage occurs behind the walls and beneath the floors of a building. The pests may be foraging from the structure for months, or perhaps years, before signs of their occupation become obvious to the casual observer.

This is why it is so critical to schedule annual termite inspections. By the time the damage can be seen in the normally inhabited parts of the building, the damage is extensive and will be difficult and costly to repair. Support joists may be hollowed out. Perhaps walls and ceilings are buckling. Paint may be bubbling up on wooden surfaces, and floorboards have mysteriously started to creak.

With the ability to eat 15 pounds of wood each week, a termite colony with one million members is a major threat to buildings of all sizes and descriptions.


Termites are capable of biting people. Of course, because they spend most of their lives underground, confrontations between termites and people are rare. When they occur, people may receive painful bites as the insects defend themselves and their colony.


Termites live in filthy conditions. Accordingly, these pests carry a variety of viruses, bacteria and toxins wherever they roam. When termites are present, diseases such as typhus, gastroenteritis, polio and dysentery lurk. Transmission of such illnesses between termites and people is rare but not impossible. Of a more immediate concern is human exposure to termite waste products, which can be responsible for causing respiratory illnesses or worsening existing conditions, such as asthma.


Signs of a termite infestation include:

• Squeaking in floorboards that cannot be attributed to another cause
• Wooden components in the building sound hollow when they are tapped on
• Ceilings, walls and floors appear to have sustained water damage
• Buckling or uneven floors and walls
• Floors and walls have loose tiles
• Peeling paint
• Drywall that droops or shows discoloration
• A massive springtime swarm of dark, winged insects
• Piles of shed wings after a swarm


To help prevent termite issues the following steps should be taken:

• Correct damp conditions in basements and crawl spaces
• Prevent wooden from touching the soil anywhere on the premises
• Piles of lumber and firewood should be placed at least 20 feet away from structures
• Direct water to keep it away from building foundations
• Block or seal any gaps and holes in the building's exterior
• Get rid of fallen trees and rotten stumps on the grounds
• Hire a local pest management company to perform annual termite inspections


Newtown Termite & Pest Control is a certified Termidor® exterminator.  We utilize the nation's #1 termiticide when treating homes or businesses. Our technicians apply the product to the exterior of the structure.  Once applied, Termidor® becomes undetectable and begins killing termites by contact and indigestion.

Independent testing conducted by the USDA detected no termite damage in concrete slab structures treated with Termidor® 80 WG for more than 15 years following the treatment.

For effective termite extermination our experienced technicians apply the Termidor along the foundation or exterior of the home or business.  Once applied, the termiticide blends into the soil and is transferred to termites as they come in contact with the agent.  The termiticide is also transferred among the termite colony as infected termites come in contact with other termites.  Termidor kills termites both by ingestion as well as by contact.

Ourtermite control treatment service will terminate an existing termite infestation and protect against future occurrences.


Area homes and businesses have been trusting Newtown Termite & Pest Control. since 1993.  We are a family owned and managed pest control provider, with an A+ Better Business Bureau rating.  Combined, our certified, company-trained technicians have over 50 years of field experience. 

Our termite control treatment service will terminate an existing termite infestation and protect against future occurrences.

At Newtown Termite & Pest Control we stand behind our work with our renewable, transferable, triple guarantee:

1: If, within one year of your first treatment, we uncover a new colony of live termites, we will retreat  your home for FREE.

2: If, during the first five years of your service contract, we uncover a new colony of live termites, we will retreat your home for FREE.

3: If, during the first five years or any year thereafter, we uncover a new colony of live termites, we'll retreat for FREE ... EVEN IF YOU SELL THE HOME!


Industry experts agree that the first step in effective termite control is to have your home or business undergo a full termite inspection at least every two to three years.

That is because termites, often referred to as the "silent destroyers" can go unnoticed until visible damage occurs.

Having your Feasterville area home or business professionally inspected by a certified technician is the best way to help detect the presence of termites and prevent extensive damage.

Schedule a FREE inspection today.



Courtesy: Newtown Termite & Pest Control, Inc.

Courtesy: Newtown Termite & Pest Control, Inc.

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