Residents and business owners in Bucks County have a lot to worry about when it comes to protecting their properties. Fire extinguishers and insuring buildings against damage from fires are two things they can take care of right away, but there are some less obvious steps they can take to help keep their properties safe.
It is important to insulate your building because it keeps it cool during the summer and warm during the cold months. But if you opt for thermal acoustic pest control insulation instead of a traditional one, then not only does it help improve the overall performance of the building, but it also protects your structure from unwanted intrusions by pests.
TAP insulation, which is often referred to by its acronym, is typically sprayed into the walls of buildings in loose powder form, filling up any cracks and crevices so that it offers superior energy savings while also keeping out pesky insects.
In some cases, the existing traditional insulations still have life left in them. This is good news because technicians can simply blow the TAP (Thermal Insulating Plastic) over the top of the existing insulations. This additional layer of plastic is necessary in almost every building because the U.S. Dept. of Energy says that most buildings probably do not have enough thermal insulating material. Municipal building codes tend to be less stringent than those recommended by the U.S. Federal Dept. of Energy, so it is a fair assumption that most buildings are inadequately insulated. This is especially likely to be true in older buildings.
It makes sense to put TAP over an existing insulating material.
TAP is not made from materials used for conventional insulation. It is made from recycled papers combined with an insecticide. Overall, it is both safe and environmentally friendly. Its main components include recycled papers, and this overall insulation is neither UL classified nor has the Insulate Mark. It also has the ENERGY STAR label.
TAP Insulations are made from revolutionary material that actually kills pests. It is different than other types of insulating foam because it does not just keep heat out; it keeps pests out too. And since it is registered as a Pesticide by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), only certified technicians can install it.
Although the pest-controlling ingredients in TAP are extremely effective against bugs, they are not dangerous to humans. That is due to the fact that while the primary insect-killing substance known as boric acid is deadly to insects, it poses no danger to people and pets.
Any bugs that enter the TAP insulation through natural openings (such as cracks) will pick up tiny pieces of boric acid. Boric acid cannot be eliminated from an insect’s body, so it remains there, dehydrating the insect and eventually killing.
Meanwhile, the pests carrying bits of boric acid back to their nest where they can spread it to others makes it an especially effective pest control method known as integrated pest management (IPM).
TAP is lethal to bugs such as:
Traditional fiberglass is the primary type of insulating material used today. It comes in sheets that are cut into strips and then rolled around pipes or rods. These pipes or rods are placed throughout the attic space and serve to keep heat inside during cold weather and cool air out during warm weather. Fiberglass is also available in liquid form that can be poured directly onto the roof. Liquid fiberglass is much easier to apply than traditional fiberglass because it does not require cutting.
TAP is different; rather than rolling out of a tube, it is blown in as loose particles. Thanks to a skilled installer, it is possible to make sure that the TAP fills every available space. This ensures that there are no hidden crevices that are left unprotected. With stud cavities being inconsistently sized, it’s important to install the TAP correctly.
Think of TAP Insulation as being similar to a “blanket” for the ceiling. It covers the overlooked spaces behind electrical conduit and piping, meaning greater efficiency and better protection from invasive pests. Its "R-Value" is approximately 45% higher than that of conventional fiberglass insulation with blown in installation, making it an exceptional value.
It is equally important to note that TAP’s R-value does not decrease with time because it doesn't settle.
Energy savings aren't the only benefits of using TAP insulation. It also offers additional features including flame resistance, which can help to keep people safe from fires and smoke inhalation.
When a building that contains traditional insulation gets on the roof, that insulation just melts, often leading to a chimney-like effect, which can be disastrous for the building itself. Thanks to the flame retardants in TAP, fires can be better controlled. The surface of TAP chars in a blaze, yet this doesn't contribute to the flames. In contrast, it keeps them from spreading.
One of the reasons why TAP insulation is so safe is because it does not off-gas. Most consumers are familiar with the "old products" odor that comes from traditional insulations. This emission of toxic gases into the atmosphere is greatly reduced by the special ingredients in TAP insulation.
The Benefits of Choosing TAP Insulation
TAP clearly has advantages over traditional insulation, but this does not mean that it is necessary to remove existing insulation in order to install TAP. Instead, experts recommend simply layering TAP over any insulation that is already there. This is less labor intensive, which saves costs. Moreover, extra layers of insulation are always a good idea for improving energy efficiency and overall effectiveness.
It is possible that some portions of the existing insulation may be showing signs of wear and tear. This is especially likely if the attic hosted some kind of pest infestation in the past. In these cases, the damaged insulation will be removed before the TAP insulation is added. Removal is essential to ensuring that any damaged insulation that may be harboring pest waste products cannot harm the building's occupants.
Layering TAP over the top of other insulation products in no way impairs its usefulness and functionality.
TAP is only available through pest management professionals because it is registered with the EPA and state governments, so ask Newtown Termite & Pest Control about TAP services today.
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