While spiders actually provide a natural form of pest control, nonetheless, problems may be indicated when spider populations grow in or around a Bucks County house or business.

Common Bucks county spider species include the agrarian-sac spider, broad-faced sac spider, common house spider, grass spider, long-legged sac spider and the wolf spider. Property owners who have noticed a distinct rise in the local spider population are encouraged to seek the advice of a pest management professional. With their assistance, it is possible to identify any ongoing pest issues as well as the vulnerabilities that may make an infestation more likely to occur.


Spiders are arachnids rather than insects, which means that spiders have eight legs and two main body parts while insects have three body parts and six legs. Additionally, while insects use mandibles to eat, spiders use chelicerae, and the spider has pedipalpi where insects have antennae.

Spiders share some characteristics in common, but knowledgeable exterminators are able to readily identify the differences between the species. The main body parts of the common house spider feature chevron markings. Their legs are distinctively striped. Adult males may reach four millimeters, but females may measure twice that size.

Adult female broad-faced sac spiders may be anywhere from seven to 10 millimeters while the largest males only grow to five millimeters. This species features a brown carapace with a noticeable dorsal stripe. With their thick front legs and spindly rear legs, the broad-faced sac spider may be easily identified.

Female grass spiders can reach as long as 20 millimeters, and males may achieve a size of about three-quarters of that measurement. Their bodies are brown with longitudinal stripes, and this species has rear spinnerets that are much longer than those observed in other species.

At as much as 35 millimeters long, the female wolf spider is among the most fearsome in the region. They are covered in heavy hair that may be brown, gray or black.


Most spiders are web spinners, and they use these webs as a home and as a means of catching a meal. Some spider species prefer to catch flying prey so they place their webs in elevated locations in trees, shrubs and utility poles. They also may use the support posts on porches, outdoor lighting fixtures or fences. Indoors, webs are likely to be seen clustered around lights, windows, the corners of rooms and concealed within clutter.

Other spiders prefer to build a web on the ground so that they can catch prey that walks. These pests are less likely to be spotted inside buildings, but their webs may be found in the corners of rooms or hidden behind clutter.

Still other spiders, like the wolf spider, do not spin webs. They use underground burrows for sleeping. Typically, these burrows are abandoned by small rodents or insects.


Spiders consume other pests like mosquitoes, flies, ants, aphids and termites. Any of these species may cause irritation or damage, so the spider provides natural pest control in around the garden area when present in reasonable numbers. However, when they move indoors or the property begins to feel overrun with spiders, then pest control may be necessary.


Most spiders are web spinners, and they use these webs as a home and as a means of catching a meal. Some spider species prefer to catch flying prey so they place their webs in elevated locations in trees, shrubs and utility poles. They also may use the support posts on porches, outdoor lighting fixtures or fences. Indoors, webs are likely to be seen clustered around lights, windows, the corners of rooms and concealed within clutter.

Other spiders prefer to build a web on the ground so that they can catch prey that walks. These pests are less likely to be spotted inside buildings, but their webs may be found in the corners of rooms or hidden behind clutter.

Still other spiders, like the wolf spider, do not spin webs. They use underground burrows for sleeping. Typically, these burrows are abandoned by small rodents or insects.


Spiders generally are not recognized for displaying aggressive behavior. If anything, they tend to be shy when confronted by a person. Wolf spiders frequently are the exception to this. They may try to scurry away, but they also are equipped to deliver a painful bite if they feel that they are being threatened.


Because of their web-spinning, spiders are considered a nuisance pest. The species is engaged in a constant search for their next meal, and this process may involve spinning numerous webs before the most advantageous location is identified. People who have a spider infestation may have to spend a great deal of time cleaning up after the pests.

Moreover, people tend to find spiders deeply unsettling. A person who suspects that their home is being invaded by spiders may feel uneasy and have difficulty sleeping.

It also is essential to consider whether or not the spider infestation is secondary to the presence of an even more worrisome pest like termites or carpenter ants. A prompt inspection by an exterminator can uncover any of these issues.


Spiders common to the Bucks County area are not known to carry or transmit illnesses to people. Nonetheless, the bite of the wolf spider and other species can be painful and irritating. Slight swelling, itchiness and mild pain generally are the only side effects of a spider's bite. Only people with a rare allergy may experience a severe reaction that requires medical care.


Spider control may be needed when people see these signs:

• Reports of multiple spider bites in a short time
• Having to constantly clean webs from the interior and exterior of the building
• Encountering numerous spiders in a single room or in a particular section of the yard


Spiders may be discouraged when property owners use these tips:

• Do not allow grass, plants or trees to touch building exteriors
• Keep lawns mowed to a relatively short length
• Use a broom to remove spider webs from building exteriors
• Frequently dust and vacuum indoors to eliminate spiders
• Have regular pest inspections performed to check for underlying infestations


Proper spider treatment involves the detection and elimination of all webs. If this is not done, spiders are likely to re-infest the structure. Generally, spider infestations should be treated by a pest control professional with the equipment and experience to get the job done safely and effectively.

At Newtown Termite & Pest Control, Inc., we do not take your spider problems lightly. That is why we use a multifaceted process including the treatment of wall voids, attics, and cracks and crevices throughout the premise with gels, dusts, and other specialized products.

Schedule a FREE inspection today.



Courtesy: Newtown Termite & Pest Control, Inc.

Select A Species Below
Agrarian Sac Spider
Broad Face Sac Spider
Common House Spider
Grass Spider
Long Legged Sac Spider
Wolf Spider
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