
Citronella Ants

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For Doylestown residents who are not exterminators, it can be extremely difficult to differentiate one ant species from another. This mainly is because ants tend to be quite small and either black or brown in color.

The citronella ant is very different. In fact, some property owners know the exact identity of the culprit as soon as they see the yellow coloring or notice the distinctive citrus smell that these insects emit.

Citronella ants may be unusual in terms of color and scent, but they tend to be extraordinarily hard to evict from buildings just like other ants. Why are ant infestations so persistent?

Usually, it is because the property owner is unsure of what strategy to use to get rid of the ants. Insect sprays are readily available at the local big box store, but these treatments cannot address a full-blown citronella ant infestation.

People who notice a swarm of ants in the spring or summer may be seeing the first signs of a situation that is about to get out of control. No insect spray is equal to the task of getting the citronella ants out for good.

The only guaranteed way to ensure that citronella ants are shut out of the building is to hire an exterminator. With specialized equipment, powerful chemicals and a great deal of industry know-how, a pest management professional can end even the most stubborn citronella ant infestation.


Citronella ants share many of the same characteristics of other ant species. For example, they have six legs and antennae that are divided into many segments. A pedicel joins the abdomen and the thorax, and workers typically are approximately four millimeters in length. The colony's queen may be up to twice this size. Their distinctive yellow coloring sets this species apart from the rest, as does the lemony smell that they give off when crushed.


Members of this species are incredibly well adapted to living underground. Their bodies require certain humidity levels to be maintained for optimum survival. The most likely places to find citronella ant nests are forests and fields. They do no harm in these areas and actually may be considered beneficial components of the ecosystem.

However, citronella ants sometimes choose unwise places to nest. The garden soil next to a foundation or a well-manicured lawn are two examples of these. When the nest is close to a building, the chances that the workers will come inside to look for food multiply.

Occasionally, citronella ant nests are built inside structures. This is because buildings provide steady sources of heat, moisture and food. With such an abundance of resources available, the colony may start to speed up its reproductive cycles, with swarms occurring earlier in the spring or even in the fall.


When other ants invade homes and commercial buildings, they are most likely to be found congregating in areas where food is stored, prepared or consumed. This is not the case with the citronella ant.

This is because this species has little interest in eating the food that is meant to be eaten by people or the pets they keep. Instead, citronella ants feed exclusively on honeydew. Excreted by insects such as mealybugs and aphids that feed on plant roots, honeydew is a sweet food item that can be found underground, which is where citronella ants spend most of their time.

Eventually, the aphids, mealybugs and other insects that provide a steady diet of honeydew for the citronella ants in the summer begin to die. The weather grows colder too, and these combined conditions may drive citronella ants indoors. They may look indoors for nesting options and to obtain any sugary items that will provide them with the sustenance they need.


This species does not cause wholesale structural damage like termites or rodents might. In fact, most pest management professionals are inclined to classify citronella ants as a nuisance species. Nonetheless, the nests made by this species have been known to exacerbate existing structural issues.

If a building has suffered some kind of water damage in the past, the ants may choose this weakened wood as a nest. This only makes the damage more severe and widespread, leading to a costlier repair bill. Moreover, if the citronella ants have discovered a way to come indoors, it means that other, more destructive, pests may be on their way.


People and citronella ants rarely mix. That is, the citronella ant is adapted to lead a subterranean lifestyle that does not bring it into frequent contact with humans. Swarms of ants in Doylestown buildings and yards may be the first sign of an infestation.


Ant infestations frequently are associated with food poisoning. Although citronella ants rely mainly on honeydew as a food source, they will seek other sugary foods as substitutes. This means that it is possible for these ants to spread salmonella and other bacteria to food, and eating this contaminated food can make people ill.

It also is rare but possible for people to be allergic to the chemical that creates the unique lemon scent that is given off by this species.


Signs of a citronella problem ant include:

• A strong, unusual lemon scent in some rooms
• Earthen mounds in gardens, lawns and other landscaping
• Flying swarms of yellow ants in the summer
• Driveways, sidewalks, patios and foundations are marred by tiny mounds of soil


To help prevent citronella ant issues the following precautions should be taken:

• Sealing up openings in the building's exterior around plumbing pipes and utility lines
• Repairing cracks and imperfections in the foundation
• Adding weather stripping or other sealing measures to exterior doors and windows
• Choosing to keep windows and doors closed most of the time
• Please high-quality screens on doors and windows
• Opting not to store food on tables or counter tops
• Upgrading food storage practices so they are pest proof
• Repairing water leaks
• Replacing any wood that is damaged or rotting


Ants are the number one pest control issue and can prove virtually impossible for home and business owners to solve on their own.  Ending an ant infestation typically requires proper ant identification, locating and destroying the nest or colony, as well as the use and application of specialized products.

As such, it is not advisable for property owners to attempt to eradicate an ant infestation without assistance from a professional pest control provider.

Schedule a FREE inspection today.


Courtesy: National Pest Management Association
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