Most people who encounter spiders inside their house react with a deep and visceral fear. Others are less bothered because they know that common house spiders feed on potentially harmful pests like cockroaches, flies, termites and carpenter ants.
The common house spider is widely seen throughout Pennsylvania and New Jersey. Also known as the American House Spider, it is a nuisance in many homes and businesses.
Common house spiders are prolific breeders. In one year, a female house spider can lay up to 3,000 eggs. Left untreated, house spiders can take over an environment and become nearly impossible to contain. It is necessary for pest control experts to rid a home or business of common house spiders to help guarantee an infestation does not take place.
Common house spiders are regularly seen in homes, businesses, and outdoors . They prefer dark locations but will spin webs in practically anywhere . Once a web is removed, a spider may spin another in the same spot within a few days. Likewise, one spider will spin multiple webs throughout a structure.
The diet of the common house spider primarily consists of insects such as house flies, moths, and other flying pests. Spiders will also consume other spiders, especially after mating when females may eat males. They may even feed on rodents, small reptiles, or scorpions if available.
Common house spiders cause damage that often goes unnoticed until it is too late to control the problem. They spin webs to catch prey, mate, and dwell. Because they reproduce rapidly, their presence in a home or business can quickly become overwhelming.
Large numbers of house spiders may indicate the presence of other pests, sometimes even more damaging than the spiders themselves. It is wise to use a pest control expert to identify why the home or business has become infested and how to eliminate all pests.
House spiders may coexist within the same space or fight over territory. It is not uncommon for them to kill and eat one another while guarding their webs.
Though not naturally aggressive, house spiders will bite humans if threatened. Because they blend well into their surroundings, people often get bitten unknowingly. Young children and seniors are the most common victims and may have stronger reactions to bites. Homes with these groups, as well as businesses catering to them, should be regularly inspected for spiders.
The venom of the common house spider is similar to that of the black widow, but much less toxic. However, bites can still be painful. Individuals with allergies may experience severe swelling and headaches, requiring medical care.
The easiest way to detect house spiders is by the presence of their webs. Cobwebs are used to catch and store prey and are often found along walls, ceilings, and corners of rooms. They may also appear in trees, shrubbery, or other areas with closely placed structures.
Detecting spider webs can be difficult, especially in areas that are seldom used, such as attics, basements, and crawl spaces. Regular inspections by a pest control expert can help prevent an infestation.
Spiders enter buildings through very small gaps, making them difficult to keep out. However, these measures can help limit their movement:
Effective spider treatment requires the removal of all webs. Without this step, spiders will likely re-infest the structure. Do-it-yourself products are often ineffective, making professional pest control the best option.
Newtown Pest Control offers effective spider control and extermination services in Bensalem, PA, and the greater Philadelphia suburbs. Schedule your free inspection today.
At Newtown Termite & Pest Control, Inc., we take spider problems seriously. Our process includes treating wall voids, attics, and cracks and crevices throughout the property using specialized gels, dusts, and other proven products.
Schedule a FREE inspection today.