While it's true that many of the spider species that are found in Bucks County are harmless, it's also worth keeping in mind that an infestation of spiders may signal a larger pest problem. Because these other pests can be destructive to property and harmful to health, it's worth taking action whenever a spider infestation is suspected.
If conditions around your home and yard are making it feel like it's Halloween every day, then it may be time to enlist the services of a qualified pest management professional.
Unlike some pest infestations that tend to happen only in out-of-the-way places like basements, crawl spaces and attics, spiders also are active in the places where your family spends most of their time. You might see a spider on the wall or ceiling of a bedroom, bathroom or kitchen. A spider may disturb family movie night by making an appearance on the living room floor.
Perhaps you walk into spider webs each morning when you leave the house by the front door. Do you find yourself constantly needing to wipe down light fixtures and the corners of windows to remove unsightly spider webs? All of these are signs of a spider infestation.
Also, take a look around the walls, floors and ceilings of your home. Are there many cracks and crevices where a spider that likes to burrow and lurk might hide? If so, then it's wise to seal up these cracks and crevices to discourage spider activity.
Spiders similarly are attracted to moisture. Basements are the most likely spots in the home that might have accumulated moisture, but spiders also may congregate beneath kitchen and bathroom sinks, especially if there is a water leak.
Spiders also tend to gather in spots around the property that see little use. Attics, basements, garages and sheds are just a few examples. If you're seeing lots of spiders and webs in these places, it may be the sign of a larger pest problem that goes well beyond spiders.
Perhaps the foremost reason that people have indoor spider infestations is because the pests have discovered an adequate supply of food. Spiders eat a wide variety of insects and even other arachnids. In homes where insects are already in abundant supply, spiders will naturally move in.
In fact, this is one of the characteristics of spiders that makes them a welcome invader in reasonable numbers. They perform a type of natural pest control. Consuming flies, mosquitoes, gnats, termites, carpenter ants and many other pests, spiders can help to keep other infestations in check.
Unfortunately, even if you feel as though you have an inordinate number of spiders around your house and yard, this won't be sufficient to protect you if a truly dangerous or destructive pest is at work on the property. The only way to deal with these issues is with the help of an experienced exterminator who can identify the problem species and strategize methods to eradicate them from the property.
Because the various spider species all have different habitat requirements, a variety of conditions within your house may be attracting them. For instance, many spider species are attracted to damp conditions. This means that they will look for damp spaces in and around the house to occupy. Basements, crawl spaces, attics, bathrooms and kitchens all are likely spots for spider infestations.
However, other spider species prefer drier conditions. The upper corners of a room or an air vent may provide the perfect habitat for them.
Above all, most spiders like to live in hidden, out-of-the-way places where their presence is less likely to be detected. They love to hide in clutter, so any storage spaces, sheds or garages might provide the ideal conditions.
Accordingly, the proper moisture conditions, the availability of food and the presence of clutter all are among the reasons why spiders might be attracted to your house.
If you prefer not to have an abundance of spiders around your house, then it is necessary to correct the conditions that are attracting them. Perhaps the most important step you can take is to eliminate their food sources. The best way to do this is by scheduling regular treatments by a pest control company. Through the use of traps and chemicals, it is possible for an exterminator to quickly, effectively and safely rid the property of the species that are feeding the spiders.
Another important step to take is to block access points to the house. This includes ensuring that spiders cannot sneak in around windows and doors by adding caulk or weather stripping. Look for cracks and holes in the exterior of the building to find additional access points that it would be wise to cover or block.
Use screens on windows and doors so that spiders can't get in through open portals. It also is sensible to keep your home clean and free of clutter. This eliminates much of the habitat that attracts some spider species.
Vegetation control around the home's perimeter is another tried and true method. Prevent limbs and plants from touching the home's exterior to make it harder for spiders to explore the structure. It also may be helpful to refrain from using outdoor lights at night or to make a change to yellow sodium vapor lights, which do not attract the insects upon which spiders feed.
Luckily, you have many measures at your disposal. The best course of action to take is to eliminate the spiders' food sources. That means ridding your property of insects and other arachnids. To do so effectively, it's wise to ask for help from a qualified pest control professional.
With regular treatments by an exterminator, spiders simply won't have any reason for staying in your house. This is because they won't find the food sources that they need to survive.
Additionally, the exterminator will thoroughly inspect the property to find all possible access points that are being used by spiders and other pests. With the access points identified and blocked, it is no longer possible for insects and arachnids to disturb your peace of mind.
When you also clear clutter from in and around the house, you're taking yet another step toward ensuring that your living quarters are spider-free. A well-kept yard also is helpful in the fight against arachnids.
If you feel that your home is hosting far too many spiders, then it may be the sign of a larger, more threatening pest problem. Call an exterminator to find out how to get rid of spiders for good.
Proper spider treatment involves the detection and elimination of all webs. If this is not done, spiders are likely to re-infest the structure. Generally, spider infestations should be treated by a pest control professional with the equipment and experience to get the job done safely and effectively.
At Newtown Termite & Pest Control, Inc., we do not take your spider problems lightly. That is why we use a multifaceted process including the treatment of wall voids, attics, and cracks and crevices throughout the premise with gels, dusts, and other specialized products.