
Keeping Mice Away


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Have you ever heard ominous sounds of rustling or squeaking coming from behind one of the walls of your home?

Perhaps you've seen the tiny pellets or droppings that are the solid waste products of the mouse in a drawer or cupboard.

Even worse, maybe you have been surprised to see a small, furry creature scurrying across your kitchen floor when you get up in the middle of the night for a drink of water.

All of these are signs that you may be experiencing an infestation of mice.

Though small, mice can be alarmingly destructive, and there is no doubt that they are a significant threat to good health. Accordingly, it is wise to take steps to prevent rodent infestations. If an infestation is already underway, then the only sensible thing to do is to take swift action.

The better you understand mice infestations and their risks, the better you'll understand why the services of an exterminator are indispensable.


The various rodent species in the area range from the tiny and harmless-looking white footed mouse and deer mouse up to the nasty Norway rat and roof rat. Large or small, all of these species and others are a troubling sign when they make an appearance in and around human habitations.

Like all animals, rodents are seeking the basic necessities of life: food, water and shelter. Human habitations provide all of these things quite easily. In fact, rodents can eat just about anything, so foods found on countertops and in pantries are especially appealing. A leaky pipe can provide a ready supply of water, and there are many places in homes and offices that can be used as a safe, warm nest.

This is why rodents are such a common problem. Rodent populations are large, and members of the species are not shy about sharing their homes with people.


It's wise to take preventative measures if you want to keep mice out of your living space. Perhaps the most critical step you can take is to ensure that these tiny creatures can't gain access to your home.

This means that it is necessary to regularly inspect the exterior of your house, including the foundation, for signs of holes and cracks. During your inspection, pay particular attention to the frames around doors and windows as well as the entry points for plumbing and wires.

All of these places may create access points for mice to get into your home. Seal up these openings with caulk, weather stripping or heavy-duty metal mesh to keep critters outdoors where they belong.

Sometimes, despite your best efforts, mice still manage to find a way inside. You can help to discourage them by using good food storage techniques. This means repackaging food that is stored in cupboards or the pantry in glass or metal containers with tight lids. It may take a bit more work, but it's worthwhile if it prevents rodents from gaining access to your food.

Additionally, it's wise to ensure that you're using good cleaning practices. Wiping up crumbs and spills as soon as they happen is always a good rule of thumb. Plus, try to place dirty dishes directly into the dishwasher instead of letting them sit on the counter or in the sink.

Outdoors, try to keep your yard well-maintained, trimming back trees and plants so that they do not touch the exterior of your home. Ensure that woodpiles and yard debris piles are at least 20 feet away from any structures, and eliminate any clutter that may provide hiding places or nesting habitat for rodents.


The answer to this one isn't as straightforward as you might think. Mice, as a species, are really motivated by food, so it seems like it would make sense that if you removed all food sources, they might leave your home for good.

However, if you're dealing with a large mouse population, you may find that only some of them leave if the food is gone. Others will stay behind because of the cozy nesting conditions. Also, they may be able to forage for food just outside in the garden, so even if food isn't being found in the pantry, it's still suitably convenient.

This is why solving a mouse problem almost has to involve multiple approaches. It's necessary to block access points, eliminate food sources, clean up and eliminate the existing mouse population. It's only with this kind of diverse attack that it's possible to get rid of mice and keep them out for good.


You may have heard stories about people being bitten by mice while sleeping. Perhaps you dismissed it as simply an urban legend.

Unfortunately, mice are known to bite sleeping victims. The people most likely to suffer such bites are small children and the elderly. This is because these two groups are most likely to have a food odor around them while sleeping. Questing mice will bite people who may have just a tiny crumb lingering on a cheek.

These bites are quite dangerous, and medical attention is required.


If you're looking to keep mice away from your house, there are a number of home remedies and products that can be found that claim to be ale to prevent rodent issues. Unfortunately, most have been found to have little-to-no benefit at all.

This means that your best defense remains sealing up your house and using good food handling and cleaning practices.

To make your preventative measures even more robust, consider scheduling regular pest control treatments so that your property is being evaluated by a professional for vulnerabilities.


Because mice are nocturnal mammals, they tend to be most active during the night. However, mice also may be active during the day, particularly if the local population is excessive. This means that some mice are choosing to forage during the day with the hope of beating the rush at night.

If you see mice during the day, then it's definitely time to think about taking serious control measures with a professional exterminator.


Mice are adept when it comes to finding out-of-the-way places to nest. Frequently, they will choose wall voids because these are warm, sheltered and dark. Still, they must emerge from these hidden nests at some point to forage for food.

This represents an excellent opportunity to trap the mice that have been living in your walls. It may be possible to draw them out with food bait. However, for traps and bait to be effective, they must be properly placed along a route that the rodents are using to obtain food. Too often, homeowners trying to fix the problem themselves do not properly place the trap, which means that they are ineffective.

Working with an exterminator ensures success with these methods. Plus, exterminators will be able to remove any dead mice that may be trapped inside your walls.

If you believe that you have a mouse infestation, you don't have to live with it. Choose to work with a qualified pest management company that can eliminate the problem in a safe, efficient and environmentally friendly manner.


Successful rodent control typically involves a series of steps, including trapping, poison baits, along with proper species identification.

Bucks County area residents who suspect a rodent problem should contact Newtown Termite & Pest Control.  Our experienced pest control professionals know how to inspect a structure to determine the type and scope of the infestation involved. They will then execute the appropriate plan of action to resolve the specific rodent issue plaguing your home or business while identifying entry points to help protect against future problems.

Schedule a FREE inspection today.
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