The broad faced sac spider is by no means an exotic pest in Langhorne. In fact, this ground-dwelling arachnid is among the most common spiders in North America.
It favors living in the outdoors, usually in forests that feature a healthy mix of coniferous and deciduous trees. Loose bark on these trees makes a wonderful nesting site, and these spiders also may be found among leaf litter or living inside a rolled-up leaf. Many of them live beneath stones or on fences. As fall and winter approach, broad faced sac spiders move into human habitations.
Buildings are appealing to these spiders because of the controlled climate and protection from the elements. Typically, members of the species will look for rooms that are dark, cluttered and dusty. These are places where insects lurk, and broad faced sac spiders like the easy availability of food.
Unlike spiders that spin webs in which they trap prey, broad-faced sac spiders are hunters. When they find indoor habitat that gives them places in which to shelter and find food, then they are unlikely to ever leave. Thus, it becomes necessary to address the cluttered conditions and the insect population if property owners want to get rid of broad faced sac spiders.
Why are some people especially anxious to evict broad faced sac spiders from residential and commercial properties? Usually, it is because of this arachnids' incredibly painful bite. That bite easily can turn into a secondary infection if the spider recently fed on a decaying arthropod. Between the pain and the danger of infection, it is no wonder that people dislike broad faced sac spiders and their bites.
The best way to manage the population of broad faced sac spiders is to hire an exterminator. Utilizing Integrated Pest Management techniques, the exterminator can get guaranteed results for even the most stubborn infestations.
Broad faced sac spiders have a dark brown or reddish cephalothorax that may appear shiny. The abdomen is a different color, typically tan or gray, and it is not as shiny. This particular species may be identified by its legs, which may be tan, brown or red. While the rear legs are short and slender, the front pair of legs is thick and dark.
Full-grown females frequently measure approximately three-eighths of an inch long. The legs make her about five-eighths of an inch, with males being somewhat slighter in stature.
Some people are not bothered by a few broad faced sac spiders in their yards. This is because these spiders keep the insect population under control with their voracious appetites.
Unless people stop these spiders from coming indoors, they will also perform this service in man-made structures. Once again, some people do not mind seeing the occasional spider in their home or office, but there may be cause for concern if they begin seeing many spiders on a regular basis.
These spiders may feed on many pests that are harmful to structures and to human health. Accordingly, their presence may suggest a larger pest problem that could have devastating economic and medical consequences. It is always wise to seek the advice of a pest management professional when too many spiders are spotted indoors.
While members of this species typically prefer to live in forests, it is possible to find them in diverse territory, suggesting that they are an adaptable species. These spiders generally prefer to live outdoors for most of the year, but they tend to migrate indoors as the weather turns colder in the fall.
This means that broad faced sac spider infestations in Langhorne are most common in the fall and winter. Seeking shelter and food, the spiders take up residence in sheds, garages, storage buildings, attics, basements and other cluttered rooms into which people rarely venture. Wherever clutter has been allowed to gather and general conditions include insufficient lighting and plenty of dust, broad faced sac spiders are bound to find excellent nesting habitat and sufficient food to sustain them.
Although many people are wary of the broad faced sac spider's bite, there is little reason to worry that this spider will cause property damage. Still, people who are seeing an unusual number of these and other spiders indoors may have another cause for concern. Many of the insects upon which broad faced sac spiders dine destroy wood and other construction materials. Moreover, these pests may be responsible for spreading illnesses to people.
Members of this species are exceptionally good at hiding. They must be in order to be successful hunters. Unfortunately, this characteristic also makes broad faced sac spiders seem more aggressive toward people than they actually are. Most encounters between people and these spiders occur unexpectedly in a room that is dark and crowded. A person might be reaching toward a broad faced sac spider without realizing the arachnid is there. In this situation, the spider can hardly be blamed for biting, but it will be a painful attack for the victim.
While the bite of the broad faced sac spider hurts and does contain venom, it generally is not dangerous to people, nor will it make them sick. In rare exceptions, certain people may have an allergy to this bite, which can cause a severe reaction.
The main threat that broad faced sac spiders pose to people is the potential for a secondary infection. These spiders routinely feed on dead and decaying arthropods. If they do so and then bite a person, some of the decaying matter may be transferred to the wound. Any spider bites that are slow to heal or grow worse over time probably require medical attention.
Signs of a broad faced sac spider infestation include:
• The property has a significant pest problem • People report experiencing surprisingly painful spider bites • Spider bites develop secondary infections • Sleep cocoons spun of spider silk are found in the upper corners of rooms
To help prevent broad faced sac spider issues the following steps should be taken:
• Do not permit foliage to touch building exteriors • Use a power washer on the building's exterior once or twice per year • Keep windows and doors closed • Make a habit of knocking down spider webs • Have an exterminator perform regular treatments on the premises • Eliminate holes and cracks in the building's exterior • Dust, mop and vacuum more frequently • Get rid of clutter to minimize hiding places
Spider treatment involves the detection and elimination of all webs. If this is not done, the spiders are likely to re-infest the structure. Generally, it is not possible to completely eliminate spiders with do-it-yourself products. As such, successful spider eradication should be left for a pest control professional who has the tools and experience to get the job done safely and effectively.
At Newtown Termite & Pest Control, Inc., we don't take your spider problems lightly. That's why we use a multifaceted process including the treatment of wall voids, attics, and cracks and crevices throughout the premise with gels, dusts, and other specialized products.