


Fleas lurk in dark, humid places, waiting to jump onto an unsuspecting host. Typically, these hosts are domesticated dogs or cats. When an infestation makes its way into a Warminster home or office, humans also may become hosts.

The three most common types of fleas are cat fleas, dog fleas, and human fleas.

With a flea infestation, many health concerns arise for both people and pets. In addition, flea bites are irritating, and most people feel an intense dislike for having these parasites in their homes or offices.

Because DIY treatments largely are ineffective, it is wise to ask a qualified exterminator to deal with all flea infestations.


Fleas are quite difficult to see because they only average between one-sixth and one-eighth of an inch in length. Frequently reddish-brown in color, fleas may alternatively appear brown or black, especially when viewed from a distance. Their bodies are flat and elongated, a shape that makes it easier for them to navigate through the thick fur on a dog or cat. Fleas do not have wings, which means that they must rely on their vertical jump to attach themselves to a host.


Fleas are quite difficult to see because they only average between one-sixth and one-eighth of an inch in length. Frequently reddish-brown in color, fleas may alternatively appear brown or black, especially when viewed from a distance. Their bodies are flat and elongated, a shape that makes it easier for them to navigate through the thick fur on a dog or cat. Fleas do not have wings, which means that they must rely on their vertical jump to attach themselves to a host.


Fleas commonly are found on domesticated dogs and cats where they tend to live on the neck, back or underside of the animal. This gives them ready access to blood meals as well as a place to store eggs and larvae.

Frequently, fleas are found in peoples' yards, particularly in areas that are shady, humid and moist. Tall grass gives them the perfect habitat, and they also show a preference for woodpiles.

This pest often is found lurking in places like dog houses and dog beds. Other places in the home where they are likely to be found include rugs, carpets, curtains, upholstered furniture and mattresses.


Unfortunately, fleas are associated with numerous serious illnesses that may affect either pets or people. Fleas cause pets severe discomfort, inducing a tendency to scratch, chew and bite relentlessly. Some pets will develop Flea Allergy Dermatitis, or FAD, as a result of a flea infestation while young or very small pets may become anemic when an infestation is particularly large. Fleas further may transmit a tapeworm to a pet.

Fleas may represent an even more serious health threat to people. An allergic reaction is the most common outcome. This involves the presence of red or purple papules on the skin. Scratching these papules is not recommended, although they are known to be quite itchy. This is because scratching can further damage the skin and lead to a secondary infection.

As with pets, a flea may transmit a tapeworm to a human host. This most frequently happens when children accidentally ingest an infected flea.

Flea typhus and murine typhus also are spread by fleas. These infectious diseases are characterized by symptoms such as rash, fever, confusion and headache.

It also is possible for fleas to carry the plague. Typically, these fleas have been feeding on rodent hosts. When they are transferred to a domestic animal, the infected fleas enter human habitations.


Flea control may be required when these signs are noticed:

• Noticeable behavioral changes in pets with regard to scratching, biting and restlessness
• Examination of pet skin reveals bites and "flea dirt," or flea feces
• Itchy bites on people, particularly in the knees, elbows, armpits, waist and groin
• If black insects are clinging to white socks after walking across a carpet, a flea infestation is likely


Property owners are less likely to need flea control when they employ these measures:

• Use flea prevention treatments on dogs and cats
• Regularly inspect pets for signs of fleas
• Monitor pet behavior for excessive scratching and biting
• Regularly vacuum floors, upholstered furniture and mattresses to get rid of fleas and larvae
• Limit access to the yard by wildlife such as raccoons, opossums and rodents


Moderate to severe flea infestations can prove difficult to eradicate.  As such, having the home or business professionally treated may be the best way to remove fleas.  Typically a pest control provider will apply both an interior and exterior treatment, utilizing products designed for immediate eradication as well as residual protection against reinfestation.

Schedule a FREE inspection today.


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Cat Flea
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Human Flea
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