


Mosquitoes, such as the common northern house mosquito and the Asian tiger mosquito are commonly encountered in Warminster and across Pennsylvania, and this means that mosquito bites are frequent.

Though most mosquito bites ultimately prove harmless, it is possible for only a few infected mosquitoes to cause a serious outbreak in people. Accordingly, professional mosquito control is a necessity.

Some mosquitoes are known to be vectors, which means that they are a species that spreads germs to people. These germs, which may be viruses or parasites, can make people sick. Mosquitoes that bite but do not spread illness are labeled as nuisance mosquitoes.


Adult mosquitoes typically measure from three to nine millimeters in length. They have a single pair of wings, legs that are long and thin and a prominent proboscis on the head. Females use the proboscis to obtain a blood meal from a person or animal. Tiny scales cover the mosquito's wings and body.

The common house mosquito usually is a pale or light brown color, and there may be lighter stripes across the abdomen. The wings are a similar shade of brown when compared to the body.

The Asian tiger mosquito may be identified by its black body, which is adorned with distinctive white markings. A silver or white stripe runs from its head and along the length of the back, and the legs are striped as well.


The extraordinarily adaptable mosquito can live in just about any environment. Unlike ants, wasps and other common pests, mosquitoes do not build nests in which to live and breed. Perhaps this is because mosquitoes are not social the way that other pests are.

Instead, mosquitoes seek out certain conditions that appeal to them. Blood from a mammal is essential, so it is common to encounter mosquitoes wherever people or mammalian animals are found. Additionally, mosquitoes require moisture in order to procreate. Females prefer to lay their eggs in stagnant water, and only a small amount is needed. This means that eggs may be laid in a tiny accumulation of water in an empty planter or a discarded tire. The upturned and forgotten lid of a jar can be a mosquito breeding ground as can a pond or bird bath in which the water is rarely disturbed.

It is critical to know that mosquitoes do not just breed and live in the outdoors. When conditions are right, they can be highly successful indoors. Accordingly, it is crucial for people to eliminate any standing water or condensation issues that may be occurring indoors.


It is only the female mosquito that bites people and animals to obtain a blood meal. She needs this nutrition in order to lay eggs and complete her life cycle. However, blood is not the only thing that female mosquitoes eat.

Like male mosquitoes, females also eat nectar and plant sap. Honeydew is another common source of nutrition.



However, only female mosquitoes bite and draw blood from humans.  While both male and female mosquitoes possess similar mouthparts called proboscis, the biting apparatus of the female is thinner and better designed for stinging and drawing blood which necessary for egg production.


With the warmer weather in spring, summer and fall, mosquito reproduction can be incredibly rapid. This is especially true when conditions are humid or when rainfall is frequent. It can take mosquitoes only one week to progress from being an egg to an adult. This means that the population can be out of control with incredible speed. When conditions are conducive to this kind of breeding, female mosquitoes can seem aggressive as they seek adequate blood meals to enable them to lay even more eggs.



Mosquitoes are said to be the most deadliest insects on Earth.  This is due to being the carrier of a full range of potentially deadly diseases, which include malaria, West Nile virus, Rift Valley fever, Yellow fever, lymphatic filariasis and encephalitis.

Disease is the foremost reason why mosquito populations cannot be allowed to multiply unchecked. Mosquitoes get infected when they ingest a blood meal from an animal or person. If a germ is present in the ingested blood, it may multiply in the mosquito's body before making its way to the insect's salivary glands. The next time the mosquito bites an animal or a person, the germ passes to the victim, potentially making them sick.

The common house mosquito may seem like only a nuisance pest, but this is far from accurate. This ordinary pest is responsible for spreading the rare and exotic Zika virus, but is more likely to spread West Nile virus.

Additionally, common house mosquitoes are responsible for the spread of encephalitis in people and filarial worms, which can make dogs very sick.

Similarly, the Asian tiger mosquito spreads West Nile virus and Eastern Equine Encephalitis. Dengue fever also is a risk. Chikungunya, which is similar to dengue fever, also is spread by the Asian tiger mosquito.

Without immediate medical care, many of these illnesses can prove fatal.


Signs of a mosquito problem include the following:

• Problems with leaks or standing water are discovered on the property
• Clouds of swarming mosquitoes are encountered
• Mosquitoes are present indoors
• Bites are a common occurrence
• An unexpected illness occurs after a biting incident


To help prevent issues with mosquitoes the following steps should be taken:

• Ensure that water in water features receives adequate movement
• Fix plumbing and irrigation leaks
• Get rid of discarded objects in the yard that may hold standing water
• Ensure that screens are used on all doors and windows
• Wear insect repellent when outdoors
• Keep gutters and downspouts free of debris
• Wear long pants and shirts with long sleeves
• Clear away leaves and underbrush
• Keep lawns trimmed short to eliminate mosquito hiding places


At Newtown Termite & Pest Control, we know that mosquitoes are much more than a mere nuisance and  represent a potential health risk to you and your family.  That is why we provide a thorough inspection, and  then utilize only the finest professional-grade products combined with the most effective treatment methods.

To achieve the best results possible, Newtown uses a comprehensive system based on both treatment and prevention when providing mosquito control for your home or business.

Schedule a FREE inspection today.



Courtesy: Newtown Termite & Pest Control, Inc.
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Asian Tiger Mosquito
Common House Mosquito
Mosquito On Arm
West Nile Virus
Dengue Fever
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