Wherever food and water may be found, little black ants inevitably follow. This means that they are among the most common pest problems in the region. Though they are quite small, Feasterville area homes and businesses usually find that little black ants can translate into a big problem due to being so numerous and persistent.
Little black ants are most likely to be found in the kitchen or pantry where they forage for food on a nearly around-the-clock basis. Homeowners may discover these invaders in a bag of pasta or clustering around a piece of fruit on the counter. Even a few bread crumbs on the table are enough to attract these ants with their keen sense of smell.
Unfortunately, little black ants do not come indoors only to look for food. They also are on the hunt for a good place to nest. The species is particularly adept at hiding their nesting sites, which makes these infestations difficult to treat. Fortunately, a well-trained exterminator knows all of the places where a nest is most likely to be concealed.
This is critical because destroying the nest and the colony's queen is essential to stopping the infestation. No DIY ant killer that can be found at the hardware store is capable of doing this, but it is just another day on the job for the pest management professional. WHAT DO LITTLE BLACK ANTS LOOK LIKE?
Several characteristics help to identify this species. For instance, they have two-segmented waists and do not have spines on their throaxes. When viewed from the side, these insects have profiles that are unevenly rounded, and their antennae are curiously complex as they consist of a three-segmented club resting on top of a dozen segments.
Such details are almost impossible to observe without magnification. Still, it is possible to see that these ants are jet black and measure about one-sixteenth of an inch. The exception to this is the queen, which may measure as much as three to four times larger than the workers. WHERE DO LITTLE BLACK ANTS LIVE?
When they settle in wild areas, little black ant colonies most frequently are found in wooded areas. Such locales usually have good access to food, water and shelter. A convenient rock, hollow tree or rotting log may provide the ideal nesting site.
The possibilities for nesting close to or within human homes and other structures are many. Some colonies will simply start living in a rock pile, woodpile or a clump of discarded lumber. A brick or stone veneer provides excellent cover for an inside nest as do wall and ceiling voids. Masonry and woodwork are other possibilities, and some colonies will establish a nest beneath carpet, especially if it is located close to a door. Any holes or cracks in a building's exterior can become a nest or serve as an access point for the ants to enter the structure.
WHAT DO LITTLE BLACK ANTS EAT? Experts describe this species as being omnivorous, though they are especially attracted to sweet foods. In nature, this means that they eat a great deal of honeydew and sweet secretions from many plants. Fruit, vegetables and cornmeal are frequent dietary components, and little black ants also get protein from eating other insects.
Given their interest in sweets and protein-rich foods, it is no surprise that little black ants are so frequently found in kitchens and pantries. From pet food to bread, jelly and peanut butter, almost any food is vulnerable to these pests.
DAMAGE CAUSED BY LITTLE BLACK ANTS When people think about insects destroying wood, they are more likely to consider termites or carpenter ants. However, there is ample evidence to prove that little black ants can cause damage to wood as well. The species is drawn to any wood that may be damaged, rotten or frequently wet. Effectively, this means that they target wood that is already vulnerable and make the damage worse.
The overall effect may be minimal, particularly if the infestation is discovered at the early stages. Nonetheless, the damage could be substantial when a colony targets a smaller wooden item like a deck, outdoor furniture, fence post or wooden gate. A colony that has established itself in a home's siding may cause some damage that is difficult and expensive to repair.
Little black ants are indiscriminate feeders. Additionally, because their colonies are so large, the workers must continually forage for food. Searching for food in sewers, drains, garbage cans and animal carcasses is a normal part of the worker ant's day. Next, the same ant may wander into a kitchen, exploring countertops and serving utensils before finding a loaf of bread.
All of these surfaces and items are now potentially contaminated with bacteria like Staphylococcus and Salmonella. These and related toxins are responsible for causing food poisoning. In fact, it is not at all unusual for people to experience unexplained illnesses during a little black ant infestation.
Little black ants have stingers, but these are almost always used on other insects rather than people. Moreover, little black ants may bite, but they are so small that such attacks are rarely painful.
However, little black ant colonies are huge, perhaps consisting of thousands of workers. This means that once an infestation has begun, it can be incredibly difficult to stop it, especially if the homeowner only uses DIY methods that can only target individual ants.
Until access points and the ants' pheromone trail to food are destroyed, the infestation will persist.
Signs of an ant infestation include:
• Ants found in food in the kitchen or pantry • Ants discovered marching across a counter or table • Food showing signs of tampering • Ants discovered in sinks, drains or bathtubs
To help protect against ant issues the following steps should be taken:
• Prevent sprinklers from wetting down foundations and siding • Ensure that gutters and downspouts are not clogged • Keep garbage cans clean • Store yard debris piles and woodpiles a minimum of 20 feet away from structures • Fill in any holes or cracks in building exteriors • Remove and replace any damaged wood • Use metal or glass containers for food storage • Do not leave food on counters or tables
Ants are the number one pest control issue and can prove virtually impossible for home and business owners to solve on their own. Ending an ant infestation typically requires proper ant identification, locating and destroying the nest or colony, as well as the use and application of specialized products.
As such, it is not advisable for property owners to attempt to eradicate an ant infestation without assistance from a professional pest control provider.