
Mosquito Larvae In Still Water


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Mosquitoes were not always a nuisance here. They did not live in the United States until after 1492. Historians believe the insects found their way here by ship. From then on, people were trying to find ways to get rid of the pests. The native Indians were not used to these pests. Though they soon learned hanging sweet grass was a deterrent. Over time, scientists discovered the best mosquito control is to eliminate their larvae.

Methods to kill the larvae have varied throughout time too. Some people would use kerosene to rid their rain barrels or other water sources of larvae. A small amount of kerosene mixed with water would almost immediately kill all the larvae. However, this is not deemed a safe practice.

There are many safe and less dangerous ways to kill larvae that put no people in danger. Everyone has some dish soap or laundry detergent on hand. Start simple. If you are trying to rid planters or buckets of larvae, soap is the first step. Soap is safe for use in most outdoor containers. It will not harm nature or regular backyard visitors like birds and squirrels.

Pools, ponds, and other areas may require a little more effort. Pools will require a heavy treatment of chlorine. Ponds may need an additional feature to help keep the water moving. Once the larvae are gone, it will be time to relax outside in your Bensalem yard and enjoy the fact you will not have all the problems associated with mosquitoes, including bites and diseases.


Mosquito larvae are hard to see with the naked eye. Most do not even measure a ¼ inch in length. They have thin bodies similar to that of a worm. However, the larvae's body has hair.

The larvae are colorless. You can see the interworking of their organs and digestive system. Their clear color helps them to evade predators.

The larvae have a couple of notable characteristics. One is their big, circular head. At this stage, the face has eyes, antennas, and mouthparts. The second is a tube that is attached to a larva's abdomen. Instead of larvae coming out of the water to get air, the tube can come out of the water, allowing larvae to stay unnoticed under the water,

Larvae are not graceful. They tend to make a wiggling motion to move about. It is because of this that they were nicknamed wigglers.


There is one reason why the female mosquito is attracted to standing water. It is the best place for her eggs. It has everything the eggs need to grow and become adult mosquitoes. Moisture is necessary for their survival. Standing water provides access to water and prevents them from becoming dry and ultimately dying. Standing water provides the larvae with more food than flowing water. It also provides the young with a sense of security. There are not as many predators in still water.


Mosquitoes just know when a good water source for eggs is close. They know eggs have a better chance of developing in water that does not move. Once she has found the perfect breeding spot, she will make a water landing and lay her eggs. The number of eggs she will lay will vary. It can be hundreds or even thousands. Eggs are sticky on the surface, allowing them to stick to one another. The clusters act as floaties, which keep all the eggs floating above the waterline. The eggs require water for the moisture they need before hatching.

Once the eggs hatch, the larvae emerge, ready for a swim. Their long body makes it easy to swim through the water. They have a breathing appendage that is part of their abdomen that allows them to get air. The larvae survive by taking in the nutrients found in the water. Due to the nutrients being so plentiful, larvae can develop rapidly into the pupae stage.

Though during this stage, they no longer require any more food. They do; however, rely on the security the calm water provides. For the most part, there is nothing in the still water that will use them as a food source or bother them while in this stage. Soon a grown mosquito will fly from the water.


People may not realize that it takes a small amount of water for the female to lay her eggs. Water no higher than ¼ of an inch of water will make a cozy place for hundreds of eggs, which will soon hatch. Look around your property or the exterior of your building and see how many things could easily hold that small amount of water.

The best larvae prevention is no standing water around a Bensalem home or office. Clogged gutters, for example, cause water to become stuck. The water will quickly become a mosquito breeding area. Check them frequently for clogs.

Buckets, children’s toys, containers, pet water bowls, and even a cup left out in the rain will become breeding grounds for mosquitoes. After it rains, take a moment to walk the property and empty all containers with water.

Flowering plants and vegetable garden pots and containers are a target for females. They hold plenty of water for her to lay her eggs. To stop the problem of stagnant water in garden boxes is to stop them from retaining it for a long time. Drill small drainage holes in the bottom of the pots or containers.

Most people enjoy having a bird bath in their yard. However, it is not necessary to not put water in the bird bath. An easy solution is to dump the water at the end of the day. By removing the water, it will remove any larvae. Before refilling the bird bath with water, rinse and dry with a towel to ensure no larvae were left behind.

It may not be possible to get rid of all still water. If there is a garden pond or a fish pond on the property, emptying it is not feasible. Instead of removing the water, the key here is to create an environment where mosquitoes would not want to breed in, to begin with. Add a water feature to keep the water moving. Not only will a water feature stop mosquitoes from breeding, but it will add a bit of ambiance to the pond, which you can consider as a bonus.


There are several things in the home that Bensalem residents can use to kill larvae safely and efficiently. Liquid dish and laundry soap, shampoo, and soft hand soap are all good for getting the job done. You do not use too much soap. A milliliter-to-gallon will do the trick. The soaps create a thin layer, which prevents the larvae from getting air.

Vegetable oil and vinegar are two other household items that will kill larvae quickly. However, they may not be the best to use in all circumstances. The oil and vinegar could be hazardous to fish and birds. Do not use oil and vinegar in ponds, birdbaths, or animal water bowls.

The backyard pool is one of the most popular target zones for mosquitoes. If the pool remains uncovered throughout the year, the debris and no movement make for a great location for the wigglers to develop. The larvae will not cause harm to anyone who decides to take a swim with them. They do not mind sharing. Remember, the little wigglers will turn into full-grown mosquitoes within two weeks. Adult mosquitoes will not only make it miserable for anyone who wants to go for a dip, but they do transmit diseases.

Eliminating the larvae before they develop any further is the best solution to the problem. It will take a chemical shock treatment to clean the pool. Once it is free of larvae, use the proper amounts of chlorine and chemicals to stop mosquitoes from returning. If the pool is not drained after summer, purchase a cover. Though come spring, make sure to check it for larvae. Also, if the pool cover is wet upon removing it, toss it over a clothesline or something to dry it. It could be holding enough water for mosquitoes to breed or for any larvae to survive.


At Newtown Termite & Pest Control, we know that mosquitoes are much more than a mere nuisance and  represent a potential health risk to you and your family.  That is why we provide a thorough inspection, and  then utilize only the finest professional-grade products combined with the most effective treatment methods.

To achieve the best results possible, Newtown uses a comprehensive system based on both treatment and prevention when providing mosquito control for your home or business.


We first consult with our clients in order to get initial information, including general locations where mosquito activity is the heaviest or most frequently experienced.


We then conduct an exterior inspection of the structure and immediate grounds for conditions that are known to be conducive for attracting/harboring mosquitoes as well as enabling them to breed.


Our certified technician will then administer the appropriate treatment which will encompass a 100-foot radius around the exterior of the structure, while also focusing extra attention on resting areas and breeding grounds, including:

• Shaded areas
• Sheltered areas
• High-moisture areas
• Bushes/hedges
• Decks
• Patios
• Overhead foliage

Schedule a FREE inspection today.




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