


Common house mosquitoes and Asian tiger mosquitoes frequently bother people in Bensalem, but does this mean that it is necessary to put up with these pests?

Many people reach this conclusion, which is unfortunate. In reality, there are many steps that property owners can take to protect people and structures from mosquitoes.

People frequently do not understand the enormous role that standing water plays in the proliferation of mosquitoes. Perhaps they realize that a lake or a pond is a natural mosquito breeding ground. At the same time, they do not consider a bird bath or a wading pool for the kids to be much of a danger.

Unfortunately, mosquitoes can use almost any amount of water as a place to breed. A tiny accumulation of water held in a dead, curled up leaf or an overturned bottle cap is enough to entice a female mosquito to lay eggs. Imagine how much larger the problem is when a water feature or a damp low spot on the property is present. These areas are mosquito breeding grounds and will yield a large population that will plague everyone within a reasonable distance.

Mosquito bites are itchy and irritating, but they can be even worse. Sometimes, mosquitoes transmit illnesses to the people that they bite, and some of these can be serious.

When property owners have tried to eliminate standing water on the premises, taken other sensible steps and are still bothered by too many mosquitoes, it is time to contact a pest control professional. Using specialized products, it is possible for them to stop the mosquito life cycle in its tracks.


Common house mosquitoes are one-quarter of an inch long and may be light brown or straw colored. The abdomen appears striped, and the legs tend to be a slightly darker color than the body. This nocturnal species navigates well in the dark. It can frequently be heard buzzing around in bedrooms at night when windows are left open.

The body and legs of the Asian tiger mosquito feature black and white stripes. Diurnal rather than nocturnal, members of this species also have a long white stripe running down the center of the back and head. Asian tiger mosquitoes are slightly larger than common house mosquitoes, with an average length of one-third of an inch.


Needing just one-eighth of an inch of water in which to lay eggs, mosquitoes are inherently drawn to moisture. The females require the dampness for reproducing, and the males simply go where females are available.

Marshes and swamps are ideal mosquito habitats, but it is not necessary for the entire landscape to be damp in order to attract these pests. Even a small patch of low-lying land that never quite gets dry or an area with overgrown bushes that is perennially shady and wet can bring in mosquitoes.

Puddles, clogged gutters, dammed up ditches and ponds all may become mosquito breeding grounds. People who want to have a water feature on their property are encouraged to use a pump, waterfall or other method to keep the water routinely agitated. This agitation will discourage mosquito activity.

Similarly, it is possible to enjoy bird baths and wading pools in yards as long as the water is regularly changed. Dumping and replacing the water at least once a week is recommended.

Mosquitoes will be drawn to any items that were discarded in the landscaping that may be trapping small amounts of water. It may be wise for property owners to get rid of clutter in their yards and around outbuildings to minimize the risk of developing a mosquito infestation.


Mosquitoes lay their eggs in water. Even one-eighth of an inch of water is sufficient for this purpose. After hatching, the larvae eat a variety of microorganisms, bacteria and algae, all of which are common in standing water. When they grow up, mosquitoes require plant nectar. This reliance on nectar from flowering vegetation means that mosquitoes are more than just a nuisance. They also are pollinators. Honeydew, plant sap and fruits also are part of the mosquito's diet.

Mosquitoes do eat blood, but it is only the females that engage in this behavior. Blood is essential to their reproductive process. After a blood meal, the female is ready to lay eggs.

Because they need to feed on blood, females have developed senses to help them find hosts through breath and moisture. They may put in appearances at picnics and barbecues, hoping to feed on condiments, juices, soda, fruit and more. When doors and windows are left open or uncovered in structures, mosquitoes come indoors to seek food.


People who live and work in areas where both common house mosquitoes and Asian tiger mosquitoes are present may feel that they are plagued by these pests on a 24/7 basis. This is because Asian tiger mosquitoes come out during the day while common house mosquitoes appear around dusk. Thus, it is not possible to ever go outside without risking being bitten multiple times.

Unskilled at flight, Asian tiger mosquitoes do not venture far to obtain a blood meal. Common house mosquitoes are stronger fliers, and they may go up to 14 miles from their breeding ground to find a host. Either way, if people are regularly being bitten while on the premises, professional mosquito control is a sensible measure.


Mosquitoes are vectors for numerous diseases, many of which can be transmitted to people. Pets similarly may be affected by these sicknesses.

As cases have become more prevalent, more people are now aware of Zika virus. People who have been bitten by a mosquito that is infected with this virus may develop muscle pain, red eyes, painful joints, headache, rash and fever.

West Nile virus is another well-known illness that is transmitted by mosquitoes. Frequently asymptomatic in infected humans, it is possible for this virus to cause rash, headache, joint pain, vomiting and diarrhea in some victims. Foregoing treatment may lead to outcomes such as high fever, loss of vision, disorientation, paralysis and tremors.

Dogs that accidentally ingest an infected mosquito in Bensalem may develop a parasite that is responsible for heart worm disease. If canines develop shortness of breath, a dry cough and lose stamina, they may be suffering from this difficult illness.


Mosquitoes may become a problem when:

• Landscaping is cluttered with debris
• There is excessive standing water on the property
• Ponds, puddles, bird baths and wading pools are neglected
• Doors and windows are left open and do not have screens
• Several people report being bitten many times


To Help prevent mosquito issues the following steps should be taken:

• Clearing clutter from the premises
• Ensuring that water features are properly agitated
• Removing yard debris that may be concealing small amounts of water
• Keeping high-quality screens on doors and windows
• Eliminating standing water problems
• Fixing water leaks in plumbing and irrigation systems


At Newtown Termite & Pest Control, we know that mosquitoes are much more than a mere nuisance and  represent a potential health risk to you and your family.  That is why we provide a thorough inspection, and  then utilize only the finest professional-grade products combined with the most effective treatment methods.

To achieve the best results possible, Newtown uses a comprehensive system based on both treatment and prevention when providing mosquito control for your home or business.

Schedule a FREE inspection today.



Courtesy: Newtown Termite & Pest Control, Inc.

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