

The last thing Levittown homes and businesses want to see is a line of ants marching across the room. Unfortunately, ants such as  the acrobat ant, black ant, citronella ant, odorous ant, pavement ant and carpenter ant are commonly found throughout the area.

Many people who discover ant issues are often quick to put out some traps and hope for the best. However, this rarely is enough to solve the problem.

Instead, it is not only necessary to trap ants but also to block their access to the home, poison the colony and destroy the nest. Only a licensed exterminator can ensure that the task is successfully completed.


Acrobat ants get their name from their habit of lifting their heart-shaped abdomens over their heads when they are alarmed. While they have stingers, adults of the species are only about one-eighth of an inch long, so they are unlikely to harm people. Usually, these ants are either black or brown.

Individual black ants may actually be brown instead of black, but most adults are uniformly sized at about one-sixteenth of an inch in length. Their unevenly rounded profile features a segmented pedicel.

With their amber or yellowish coloring, citronella ants are distinctive. However, what really differentiates them from other ants is the smell of lemons or other citrus fruit that they emit when they are crushed. Typically, workers in these colonies measure between one-eighth of an inch and three-sixteenths of an inch.

Odorous ants are a similar size when compared to citronella ants. Black or brown in color, these ants give off a rotting coconut smell when they are crushed.

At an average size of one-eighth of an inch, pavement ants are similar in size to many other common ants. Black and brown colorations are common, but the legs are always a lighter hue than the bodies.

With most workers growing to about five-eighths of an inch, carpenter ants are easy to identify because of their size. Black is the most common color, though some members of the species may be red or display more than one color.


Ant nests are most frequently found in the outdoors, but when conditions are right and access is available, many ant species seek shelter adjacent to or within human habitations. Carpenter ants are an excellent example of this as they will nest in a fallen log or a rotting stump or use a woodpile, wooden fence, deck or wooden railing to house the colony. Their nests also may be found in the basements and crawlspaces of homes.

Other ant species prefer to nest in a burrow beneath a rock or within the hole in a tree. A pile of yard debris similarly may appear welcoming.

Certain species, like the pavement ant and the citronella ant, like to dig adjacent to or within the cracks of paved surfaces. Tiny piles that look like sand or soil next to or on top of driveways, patios and stepping stones all may indicate ant activity.


Protein and sugar form the dietary basis for most ants. Aphids and mealybugs produce a sweet substance called honeydew, from which ants meet their sugar requirements. Protein may be obtained from consuming insects whether living or dead. Any item that is greasy or oily also may attract foraging worker ants.

Kitchens and pantries have many food items that appeal to ants. These include bread and other baked goods as well as peanut butter, jelly, honey, butter, meat, fruit, vegetables and cheese. Ants commonly are found infesting pet food as well.


By far the most destructive ant species is the carpenter ant. Many infestations of this pest go undetected for months or years. As time passes, the colony grows larger and the damage to support joists, doors, window frames, wooden building frames and other structures becomes severe. Repairs may cost hundreds or even thousands of dollars.

Other ant species tend not to be so destructive. Nonetheless, they can cause damage to patios and stepping stones as their tunneling activity causes these paved surfaces to settle and crack. Some of these may become trip hazards.

Ants that are infesting kitchens and pantries leave behind harmful contaminants in food that is intended for pet or human consumption. Any foods showing signs of infestation must be thrown away.


All ants are capable of biting and a few can even sting. However, these attacks are rare and generally not serious.

Still, ants remain an incredibly determined species. The workers are adapted to forage for food no matter what, and this single-minded behavior can seem aggressive. Once the powerful trail of pheromones laid down by the ants is eliminated, this becomes a far smaller problem.


While they do not directly spread illnesses with a bite, ants are responsible for many cases of food poisoning. As they forage, they may walk through sewers, drains, basements, garages, animal carcasses and a variety of other undesirable places.

After picking up bacteria like Shigella, Salmonella and E. coli in these places, ants walk across counter tops and tables as well as plates and utensils. They get into food as well, and bacteria are left behind everywhere they go.

People who eat infested food or food that was prepared on a dirty surface may suffer symptoms such as chills, fever, diarrhea, nausea and vomiting.


Signs of an ant infestation include:

• Lines of ants inside the house
• Discovering food in the pantry with ants
• Swarms of flying carpenter ants emerging in the spring
• Small piles of sand or soil found next to paved surfaces


Follow these steps to help prevent ant control issues:

• Cover or fill any holes or cracks that ants are using for access
• Prevent trees, shrubs and other plants from touching building exteriors
• Stores piles of yard debris or wood at least 20 feet away from structures
• Use lidded glass or metal containers to store food in pantries
• Do not keep food on counters or tables
• Put pet food out only at meal times
• Clean up spills or crumbs as soon as they occur
• Regularly wipe down kitchen surfaces with strong disinfectants


Ants are the number one pest control issue and can prove virtually impossible for home and business owners to solve on their own.  Ending an ant infestation typically requires proper ant identification, locating and destroying the nest or colony, as well as the use and application of specialized products.

As such, it is not advisable for property owners to attempt to eradicate an ant infestation without assistance from a professional pest control provider.

Schedule a FREE inspection today.



Courtesy: National Pest Management Association
Select A Species Below
Acrobat Ants
Black Ants
Carpenter Ants
Citronella Ants
Odorous Ants
Pavement Ants
Pests Rodents Insects Wasps Spiders
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