


Are mosquitoes in Levittown a minor inconvenience or a potential threat to human health? It turns out that both are true.

Most mosquitoes make nuisances of themselves around dusk each evening. As people try to enjoy outdoor spaces, they find that they are plagued by flying, biting insects. Usually, these are members of either the northern house mosquito or Asian tiger mosquito species. Both are capable of delivering bites that could be intensely itchy for days. Both also are capable of spreading diseases that could become serious if they are not treated by a doctor.

Mosquito bites are a familiar experience for most people throughout the summer and into the early fall. It is an allergic reaction to the mosquito's saliva that causes the red, itchy bump. However, some people will become infected through the bite with illnesses such as Zika virus, West Nile virus or another illness that can have terrible consequences.

Horses and the family dog also are vulnerable to illnesses that are spread by mosquitoes. Responsible for transmitting parasites to animals as well, mosquitoes may be held accountable for cases of heart worms in dogs as well as West Nile virus and eastern equine encephalitis.

Mosquitoes generally look for standing water to use as a nursery, so it is wise for property owners to look for ways to eliminate or at least minimize standing water on the premises. This can cut down on the number of mosquitoes in the area, but it may not be enough.

A licensed pest management professional is an ally who can guarantee results when it comes to mosquito control. When it is time to get serious about controlling mosquitoes, it is time to call an exterminator.


The common house mosquito is perhaps the most numerous species of this pest in the region. Generally plain brown over most of their bodies, these mosquitoes have abdomens that feature white scales. No distinctive markings are found on the proboscis or legs. This medium-sized mosquito measures about one-quarter of an inch long when fully grown.

The invasive Asian tiger mosquito is more active throughout the day than the common house mosquito, a fact that can be helpful with identification. However, the Asian tiger mosquito also has a distinctive appearance with its black and white stripes in addition to a white stripe that runs down its back. This species is similar in size to the common house mosquito.


Mosquitoes like to be where water is prevalent because they require this habitat for laying eggs. Ponds, lakes and slow-moving streams all are places that may host huge mosquito populations. Swamps, marshes, puddles and clogged ditches are other examples where these pests may be reproducing in prolific numbers.

Although mosquitoes may lay eggs in natural settings like tree holes, they frequently will use man-made objects as well. These may include buckets, old tires, children's toys, tarpaulins, plant pots and trays and bottle caps.

The more items on a piece of property that may be concealing even small amounts of water, the more likely it is that a sizable mosquito population is present.


Most people know that mosquitoes eat blood. However, they may not be aware of some of the more interesting details. It is only the female that bites. She does so to obtain the iron and protein that are essential to producing healthy eggs.

Mosquito larvae usually consume a variety of microorganisms, bacteria and algae that are readily available in the stagnant water in which they live. When they mature into adults, mosquitoes get most of their nutrition from nectar. Accordingly, they are considered pollinators. Plant nectar is obtained from flowers, and it also is possible to see mosquitoes feeding on honeydew, plant sap and fruits.

This love of sweet foods may cause mosquitoes to congregate around picnics and dining room tables. Sodas, baked goods, condiments, fruit and vegetables all may be prone to the appetite of mosquitoes.


Property damage is not a major concern with mosquitoes. They do come indoors, but typically only in search of food either on the table or a blood meal from a victim.


It probably is unsurprising to most people in Levittown to learn that mosquitoes are aggressive. Asian tiger mosquitoes can seem especially so because they are active between dawn and dusk. Accordingly, it is possible to get bitten by these pests at virtually any hour. Common house mosquitoes are no less aggressive though their activity is restricted to the time around dusk and the first few hours of darkness.

Asian tiger mosquitoes are not strong fliers. If these insects are being seen in a particular area, it means that their nests are very close. By contrast, the common house mosquito is known to fly as far as 14 miles to obtain a blood meal. However, they usually feed within approximately one-half mile from their breeding site.

The average female mosquito is able to consume two and a half times her body weight in blood. This clearly demonstrates a certain level of aggression.


Mosquitoes around the world may carry a variety of diseases. Many of these illnesses can be spread to people and domesticated animals. Zika virus is one of these, and it has become more familiar as cases have risen. It is possible to be infected with Zika but to not show any symptoms. A doctor can detect its presence with a urine or blood test. Symptoms may include muscle pain, red eyes, joint pain, headache, rash and fever.

Some people will become infected with West Nile virus upon being bitten by a mosquito. Once again, it is fairly common for those who are infected to show no symptoms. Others may experience a fever illness that includes rash, diarrhea, vomiting, joint pain and headache. Serious symptoms like stupor, tremors, disorientation, high fever, vision loss and paralysis may be diagnosed in rare cases.

Dogs may be infected with a parasite that causes heart worm disease after being bitten by a mosquito. As the infection progresses, the dog may have hundreds of worms and manifest symptoms such as loss of stamina, listlessness, weakness, a dry cough and shortness of breath.


Signs of a mosquito problem include:

• People are repeatedly bitten when outdoors
• Mosquitoes come indoors in search of food
• The premises has standing water problems


To help prevent mosquito issues the following precautions should be taken:

• Stocking fish in lakes and ponds to consume mosquito eggs and larvae
• Regularly inspecting the property for standing water
• Getting rid of junk piles, abandoned cars and old tires
• Eliminating outdoor clutter to minimize places where water can collect
• Mowing the lawn regularly
• Stopping gaps in the building exterior that may allow mosquitoes to enter
• Dumping standing water in wading pools and bird baths every few days


At Newtown Termite & Pest Control, we know that mosquitoes are much more than a mere nuisance and  represent a potential health risk to you and your family.  That is why we provide a thorough inspection, and  then utilize only the finest professional-grade products combined with the most effective treatment methods.

To achieve the best results possible, Newtown uses a comprehensive system based on both treatment and prevention when providing mosquito control for your home or business.

Schedule a FREE inspection today.



Courtesy: Newtown Termite & Pest Control, Inc.

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Asian Tiger Mosquito
Common House Mosquito
Mosquito On Arm
West Nile Virus
Dengue Fever
Mosquito Control Service Plans
Pests Rodents Insects Wasps Spiders
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