


American dog ticks, black legged ticks and ground hog ticks all are common pests in Levittown. Their presence is most notable in the summer when people tend to spend more time outdoors. In fact, whenever people indulge in outdoor recreation, they are putting themselves at risk for coming into contact with ticks.

Of course, that is not a good reason for avoiding activities like hiking, cycling and kayaking. It is essential instead for people to protect themselves against tick bites. This can be done through simple measures such as wearing long sleeves and long pants when outdoors and using a powerful insect repellent.

Nonetheless, ticks do manage to cling to people and pets despite these efforts. When this occurs, it is extremely easy for people to carry ticks back to the places they go every day, like home and the office. Carrying a tick or two back to civilization can be the beginning of a much larger problem. Most ticks are capable of quick reproduction, and their numbers may multiply out of control before people realize there is an issue.

When people start to notice ticks in their yards or in the landscaping at commercial sites, the time to act is now. Stopping the problem in its earliest stages is much easier than waiting until it has gotten out of hand.

Professional pest management companies are equipped with the knowledge and tools that are necessary to ensure that tick infestations are stopped efficiently and comprehensively. Take fast action to minimize exposure to protect people from a broad range of potentially serious illnesses.


While American dog ticks prefer to use canines as hosts, they most certainly will feed from people too. They have reddish-brown bodies with distinctive silver or gray markings on the dorsal shield. An unfed female typically only measures five millimeters, but when she is engorged with blood, she may measure 15 millimeters.

The smaller black legged tick also is commonly known as the deer tick. These pests have oval-shaped bodies that usually are flat but may become inflated upon feeding. An orange and brown body is set off by the darker legs.

The tan or reddish-brown ground hog tick is only about the size of a sesame seed when fully grown. Examining a female of the species reveals a dark dorsal shield that the males do not possess.


Ticks are most frequently found in places with a great deal of lush foliage. The banks of a river or the shores of a lake are likely to be infested with ticks. Members of the species also may be found in meadows and fields. Clustering along trails and other well-worn paths is common among ticks as these areas usually provide excellent access to prospective hosts.

Ticks have limited means of mobility as they do not have wings. Additionally, the species is not able to jump. These adaptations explain why ticks are most frequently encountered in areas with lush vegetation. Using their rear legs, the pests cling to a leaf or a blade of grass. The front legs are left open so that the tick can "quest" for a host. Ticks are able to sense things like odor, vibrations, moisture and breath, all of which signal that a possible host is nearby. When a mammal passes by, the tick is easily brushed onto the animal or person where it begins looking for a place to feed.

The tick remains attached to the host until it is physically removed or is fully engorged.


Mammal blood is the staple food of the majority of tick species. While most ticks have preferred hosts, this is a species of opportunists. Any warm-blooded animal will meet their need for a meal.


Although ticks sometimes are discovered indoors, this species does not cause harm to structures or other property. Still, people tend to be excessively wary of ticks in Levittown for good reason. These pests are connected to outbreaks of various diseases, many of which may prove to be life-threatening.


Ticks only attach themselves to people or animals with the desire to obtain a meal. Once they are full, they automatically drop off of the host. Feeding may require hours or even days, and the pest will not willingly leave the host unless it is forcibly removed with tweezers. This determination to cling to a host for days can make these species seem aggressive. Moreover, if there is a heavy population of ticks in one area, this may cause additional concerns if people find that they are hosting more than one pest.


Ticks carry diseases that can be very harmful to humans. In fact, some of the illnesses that are commonly carried by ticks can be lethal if they are not promptly treated.

American dog ticks are known vectors of Rocky Mountain spotted fever. People who are bitten by an infected tick may develop symptoms like rash, headache, nausea, vomiting, stomach pain, loss of appetite and overall muscle soreness. Tularemia is another disease that is carried by this species of tick. Characterized by swollen lymph nodes and tonsils, stomach pain, mouth ulcers, vomiting and diarrhea, Tularemia requires immediate medical assistance.

Powassan virus is probably the most common illness connected to the ground hog tick. Symptoms in people may include seizures, problems with speaking, coordination difficulties, weakness, vomiting and fever. This virus can be deadly if it is not treated.

Perhaps one of the best-known illnesses that is spread by black legged ticks is Lyme disease. People who are infected with this disease may experience fever, chills, body aches, rash, extreme fatigue and swollen lymph nodes.


Signs of a tick issue include:

• Finding a tick hiding in the folds of clothing
• Discovering ticks stuck to themselves, children or pets
• Surprising symptoms of illness that cannot be explained by another cause


Use these preventative measures to avoid tick problems:

• Prepare for outdoor recreation by wearing long pants and shirts with long sleeves
• Tuck the legs of pants into boots or socks
• Liberally use insect repellent before spending time outdoors
• Do thorough tick checks of everyone, including pets, before returning from outdoor activities
• Check equipment used outdoors for ticks before placing it in the car or the home
• Immediately launder clothes after returning from possibly tick-infested areas
• Take a shower upon returning home


At Newtown Termite & Pest Control, we take tick problems seriously.  That's why we employ a comprehensive system based on both treatment and prevention when providing tick control for your Levittown home or business.

Our treatment process includes all of the areas where ticks ate known to hide, including cracks, crevices, around doors, windows, baseboards, carpeting, furniture, and pet areas.

We use only the finest professional-grade products available designed to kill ticks on contact as well as to provide long-lasting protection against future infestations.

Schedule a FREE inspection today.



Courtesy: Newtown Termite & Pest Control, Inc.

American Tick
Blackleg Tick
Groundhog Tick
Tick On Skin
Tick Bite
Tick Protection
Tick Control Service Plans
Pests Rodents Insects Wasps Spiders
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