


A rodent presence can lead to serious issues for any Bensalem home or business. In addition to being an annoyance, rodents can cause damage to properties and can have lingering effects on human and pet health.

Typically, if one rodent is found, it is not alone. These pests live in large populations and breed very quickly. Considered fast reproducers, mice and rats can create an infestation of hundreds of individuals in a short period. Both rats and mice begin breeding at a young age and have a short gestation period, and each litter produces several offspring. For this reason, a professional pest technician should be contacted at the first sign of an infestation.

Rodents are mammals that are known for their growing teeth. In the Bensalem area, the deer mouse, house mouse, white-footed mouse, roof rat, Norway rat and wood rat are all common. These species of rodents will often infest homes, offices or other indoor areas, especially in the colder months.


The size, shape and coloring of rodents varies depending on the species. Generally, mice are smaller than rats and often have thinner tails. Almost all mice and rats have some brown coloring in their fur.

The white-footed mouse gets its name for its white feet and light-colored belly. These mice weigh less than an ounce and typically measure less than four inches in length. They have large ears and eyes. Deer mice are similar in size; it can be difficult to distinguish between the two without professional expertise. These pests are normally a gray or reddish-brown color. House mice are frequently found throughout residences in Bucks County. This species of rodent has a small body, small eyes and large ears. Typically, the house mouse has gray-brown colored fur.

The Norway rat is a large rodent, weighing up to a pound and stretching up to 18 inches in length. While the Norway rat has a tail shorter than its body, the roof rat has a tail longer than the length of its body. The roof rat is smaller in size, weighing around half a pound and measuring just under a foot. Both the Norway rat and the roof rat are brownish-gray in color; however, the wood rat is distinct in its bicolored pattern. Wood rats are large, measuring over a foot in length. Their tails are thick, bushy and gray.


Rodents are typically omnivorous, meaning they eat both plant and animal materials. These pests take what they can get and will often eat anything around them. When an infestation has moved indoors, rodents will often eat leftover food, items from the garbage or even open up food in pantries and cabinets.

When living in the wild, mice and rats will eat grains, seeds and nuts. When these are not available, rodents may resort to eating insects. Whether inside or outside, mice eat from food sources all day long. Most rodents will eat around 15 percent of their body weight in food each day.


These pests do not prefer to interact with humans or other predators. Locally, outdoor predators include cats, snakes and many species of large birds. Many rodents living outdoors will create their nests in tree stumps, near shrubs and in tall grassy areas. When they begin moving toward homes and buildings, they might be found in piles of landscaping materials, in gardens or in secluded areas of a yard.

If an infestation has moved inside, rodents will typically remain in secluded areas. While this often resembles nests in garages, attics or dark corners, some rodents will nest in common areas. Frequently, mice will move into wall voids and create their homes in these unseen areas. If rodents move into walls, they can often be heard squeaking or scratching.

Wherever they live, mice and rats need to be close to food and water sources. These mammals do not frequently move more than 50 feet away from their main food and water source. Once they find a reliable source, they will create a nest to live inside, often alongside other rodents. The wood rat, however, prefers to live alone in their elaborately-crafted nests.


It is no secret that rodents can wreak havoc on a home or building when left without proper treatment. Damage can be serious, especially when a large infestation is present. While most rodents do not mean harm to the structures around them, they tend to damage properties because of their constant chewing habits. Because of their ever-growing teeth, mice and rats will chew on the things around them to properly groom their incisors. As they gnaw, they will frequently damage wiring, walls and insulation. Many rodents like chewing on the casings surrounding electrical wires. In some instances, these behaviors can cause short-circuiting, malfunctioning of electrical systems and can even lead to electrical fires. Many mice will also use vehicles as their nesting space, chewing on vehicle wires.

These animals will also shred or damage building structures to acquire nesting materials. Many mice prefer soft fabrics for their nests. This makes property insulation, upholstered furniture and even some mattresses vulnerable to damage from rodents. Wood rats, also known as pack rats, will often steal objects or materials for their nests. As they hoard home objects, many property owners will find they cannot find their valuables because they have been taken and replaced by wood rats.


When left alone, rodents do not seek out humans or most other animals in an aggressive manner. They prefer to be left in solitude. However, rodents, especially rats, can be aggressive when provoked. Property owners seeking to trap, scare or harm a rodent may be met with aggressive behaviors. As with most animals, feeling threatened may cause them to react defensively.


It is always important to address an infestation to reduce the risk of illness. Rats and mice are both capable of transmitting diseases, many leaving long-term problems. Rodents carrying diseases can transmit the illness via bites, but also through their urine, saliva or feces. When mice and rats live indoors, they can create unsanitary conditions that make disease transmission much easier.

Hantavirus pulmonary syndrome is a rodent-borne illness. This sickness can be quite severe if contracted and has a high mortality rate. This virus attacks respiratory functioning and can cause pulmonary distress. Rat-bite fever and the plague are both carried by rodents. The effects of these illnesses can range from mild to severe.

Lymphocytic choriomeningitis can also be contracted if a rodent infestation is present. This illness can be mild in some individuals, but many severe cases affect the brain and nervous system. Unfortunately, this disease can lead to long-term side effects. These pests can also cause food poisoning if they contaminate food that is then ingested. Food poisoning is common and presents with stomach and gastrointestinal symptoms. Typically, food poisoning resolves on its own with minimal complications.


Signs of a rodent infestation may include:

• Scratching, squeaking or scurrying sounds heard indoors, especially in wall voids
• Droppings, small and dark in color, found near food sources
• Chewed furniture, walls or floors
• Nests found in or near a home or building
• Shredded insulation, paper or other fabric used for nesting materials


To help prevent a rodent infestation, the following steps should be taken:

• Seal all food in airtight containers and clean any crumbs or spills promptly
• Do not leave pet food out throughout the day
• Seal any holes or cracks that may serve as entry points for mice and rats
• Do not leave dishes in the sink overnight
• Contact a licensed exterminator for assistance preventing rodents


Successful rodent control typically involves a series of steps, including trapping, poison baits, along with proper species identification.

Those who suspect a rodent problem should contact Newtown Termite & Pest Control.  Our experienced pest control professionals know how to inspect a structure to determine the type and scope of the infestation involved. They will then execute the appropriate plan of action to resolve the specific rodent issue plaguing your Newtown area home or business while identifying entry points to help protect against future problems.

Schedule a FREE inspection today.



Courtesy: Newtown Termite & Pest Control, Inc.

Courtesy: Newtown Termite & Pest Control, Inc.

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