


Are bees in Bensalem beneficial insects that need to be protected or pests that should be destroyed?

The answer to this question really depends upon which species of bee is being discussed and where their nest is located. Bumble bees, honey bees and carpenter bees all are common species in the region. They also all are pollinators. This means that they are beneficial species as long as they nest in natural places that are well removed from the buildings where people live and work.

However, bees can become pests when they begin to interfere with peoples' day-to-day lives. This typically happens when they are nesting inside or next to a man-made structure. The risk of being stung increases greatly when bees and humans try to occupy the same areas.

Stings are not the only problem that may be associated with bees. The nests they build can cause some minor structural damage, and the risk for destruction is even greater when carpenter bees are present. This is because the females of this species burrow into wood to build their nests. This can significantly weaken a piece of wood and potentially the structural integrity of the building.

Bees can be difficult to control, especially because it is best to relocate bumble bee and honey bee nests if at all possible. This preserves the colony so that it can continue its valuable pollination services from a different home base. Because carpenter bees can be so destructive, it is usually advisable to destroy these insects.

Moving bees' nests or destroying carpenter bees are potentially dangerous tasks that are best left in the hands of a professional. With the assistance of a pest management technician, it is possible to live and work in places where bee stings are a rare occurrence.


Bumble bees and honey bees are classified as social insects because they live in large colonies that may have thousands of members. By contrast, carpenter bees are more solitary in nature. This means that it is common to find them living alone, though it also is possible for several carpenter bees to congregate in one area when the right habitat is available.

Bumble bees are most likely to build nests at or beneath the ground's surface. An abandoned animal burrow provides an easy place to nest, and bumble bees also may use a pile of yard debris or a woodpile as a nest. Buildings also may serve as a nesting site, especially if they are not well sealed against pests.

Large rocks and fallen trees may look like attractive nesting sites to honey bees. When an appropriate site is selected, the workers secrete wax from their abdominal glands. This wax is a useful building material. Forests, orchards and gardens are likely places to find honey bee nests, though these also may be placed in wall voids or other openings in buildings.

Carpenter bees like to nest only in wood. While they may use a tree or a woody plant as a nesting site, the species also will look for bare or damaged wood on buildings and other structures like fences and decks. This weakened wood is easier to excavate as the female digs a long tunnel in which to lay her eggs.


Bees can be found within any habitat containing flowering plants pollinated by insects. Bees can be found in colonies,  hives, or areas where they will not be disturbed. Some types of bees, like yellow jackets, live within holes located in the  ground. Pennsylvania and New Jersey residents  are accustomed to seeing bees in natural settings and may themselves  be exposed to the insects through beekeeping.


Pollen and nectar are the staple foods of most bees. Bumble bees will use some of the pollen that they collect to produce honey by mixing the pollen with saliva. The colony's queen and her young are fed with the honey.

Similarly, honey bees use nectar to make honey that feeds the colony's larvae. Worker honey bees also are capable of producing royal jelly, a substance that is only fed to certain young that are designated as future queens.


Only carpenter bees routinely cause property damage, but other bee species can be destructive when their nests are built inside structures. This is because these nests can be quite heavy and large. Putting unusual stress and strain on buildings can cause lasting damage. Moreover, bee nests are abandoned at the end of summer. They soon begin to rot, contributing to mold and mildew issues that can be difficult to correct.


Compared to wasps and hornets, bees tend to be docile. Still, females and males engage in aggressive behaviors that can seem threatening, especially when they are close to their nests. Females can sting once, but the males have no ability to hurt people.


Diseases are not transmitted from bees to people. Even a sting usually is not dangerous, frequently resulting in a bit of swelling, some redness and pain. People who are allergic to bee stings may have more pronounced reactions that potentially are lethal. Anyone with a known allergy is encouraged to avoid places where bee nests are known to be located. Hiring a Bensalem pest control professional to deal with the nest is always advisable.


Signs of an ant issue may include:

• Seeing large numbers of bees in the same area
• Being dive bombed by bees in a certain part of the yard or landscape
• Constantly hearing buzzing sounds
• Perfectly round holes being drilled into wooden surfaces
• Unexplained dark patches appearing on walls and ceilings
• Numerous reports of stinging attacks


To help prevent an ant infestation, the following steps should be taken:

-Get rid of outdoor clutter and yard debris piles
-Ensure that all wood on the property is painted or stained
-Place flowering trees and plants well away from the places where people gather
-Eliminate cracks, gaps and fissures in building exteriors
-Regular inspect building exteriors and the grounds for signs of nesting activity


Newtown Termite & Pest Control understands how vital bumble bees and honey bees are to the local ecosystem. As such, we recommend contacting a local bee keeper for the safe removal of bumble bees and honey bees from area homes and businesses.

At the same time, we also utilize a multi-faceted approach for treating problematic species. Our methodology involves making use of the most appropriate detection, prevention, and treatment methods available. By combining these measures, we ensure that your home or business remains free of wasps, hornets, and carpenter bees.

Schedule a FREE inspection today.



Courtesy: National Pest Management Association

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