
Bumble Bees

Bumble Bee Control in Warminster, PA

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Do Bumble Bees Pose a Threat?

Bumble bees are gentle and beneficial pollinators, making them a welcome sight in gardens. However, problems can arise when they build nests within or too close to residential or commercial structures.

While bumble bees do not typically nest inside buildings, they can be mistaken for carpenter bees, which cause property damage. If you’re unsure whether you're dealing with bumble bees, carpenter bees, wasps, or another species, it’s best to call a pest control expert for proper identification.

Why Proper Bee Identification Matters

Accurate identification is essential because control methods vary depending on the species:

  • Wasps – Aggressive and capable of multiple stings, requiring full extermination.
  • Carpenter Bees – Can cause structural damage, necessitating removal.
  • Bumble Bees – Beneficial pollinators that should be safely relocated rather than exterminated.

If bumble bees are nesting in an inconvenient location, pest control professionals often collaborate with local beekeepers to ensure their safe relocation.

What Do Bumble Bees Look Like?

Many people mistakenly identify bumble bees as other species. Common characteristics of bumble bees include:

  • Color: Typically black with yellow stripes, though some species have orange or red markings.
  • Body: Fuzzy hair covers their entire body, including the abdomen.
  • Size: Ranges from 1/4 inch to 1 inch long, Queen bees being slightly larger.
  • Unique Feature: Workers have a pollen basket on their rear legs for carrying food.
  • Gender Differences: Females have a pointed abdomen and a stinger, while males have a rounded abdomen and no stinger.

Where Do Bumble Bees Live?

Each spring, surviving queen bumble bees emerge to build new nests in protected, dry locations such as:

  • Underground cavities, abandoned animal burrows, or compost piles.
  • Wood piles, yard debris, or abandoned bird nests.
  • Voids in man-made structures, though this is less common.

Bumble bee hives are smaller and less structured than honeybee nests, housing between 50 and 400 members. These nests are abandoned at the end of each year.

What Do Bumble Bees Eat?

Bumble bees rely on flowers for sustenance. Their diet consists of:

  • Pollen: Provides essential proteins.
  • Nectar: Supplies the sugar they need for energy.

Bumble bees produce honey by chewing pollen and mixing it with saliva, feeding the developing young and the queen.

Do Bumble Bees Cause Property Damage?

Unlike carpenter bees, bumble bees do not cause significant structural damage. However, if they nest inside a man-made structure, problems can occur:

  • Nests abandoned at the end of the season can rot, leading to mold and mildew issues.
  • Decaying nests may attract other pests, such as ants and beetles.

Are Bumble Bees Aggressive?

Bumble bees are generally non-aggressive compared to wasps and hornets. However, female bumble bees can sting multiple times if they feel threatened.

Do Bumble Bees Carry Diseases?

Although bumble bees can transmit viruses among themselves and honeybees, they do not spread diseases to humans.

If stung, most people experience mild symptoms such as redness, swelling, and itching. However, individuals allergic to bee venom may suffer from severe reactions like anaphylaxis, requiring immediate medical attention.

How to Detect a Bumble Bee Infestation

Signs of a bumble bee nest include:

  • Frequent bumble bee activity near flowering plants.
  • Bumble bees entering and exiting a particular hole or crevice.

How to Prevent Bumble Bee Nests

To reduce the likelihood of bumble bees nesting on your property:

  • Seal cracks and gaps in your home’s exterior.
  • Minimize food sources near your home.
  • Eliminate standing water sources.
  • Fill in abandoned animal burrows.
  • Remove piles of wood or yard debris.

How to Safely Remove Bumble Bees

Newtown Termite & Pest Control recognizes the importance of bumble bees in the local ecosystem. We recommend contacting a professional beekeeper for safe removal and relocation rather than extermination.

Courtesy: National Pest Management Association
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