Carpenter bees are creatures that tend to remain rather alone, aside from the couple of males and females inside the nest along with the eggs that are developing. By boring into wood to create a protective structure, carpenter bees can cause quite a bit of damage in a short period of time. Not only is this an unsightly problem, but carpenter bees can also cause damage to trees, fences, and structural damage to Warminster area homes and businesses.
Carpenter bees can be identified by assessing an appearance that is similar to that of a bumblebee. However, the body of a carpenter bee is slightly shinier than the furry appearance of a bumblebee. Carpenter bees are generally quite large in size, ranging from ¾ of an inch to one full inch. Females tend to be on the larger side. Females have a shiny black abdomen with a subtle blue sheen. Some hair may be present, but it is not as noticeable as other varieties of bees. Male carpenter bees look similar but may have more light-colored hair on the thorax region of the body.
Carpenter bees bore holes in the wood of different structures, such as a home, shed, under eaves, on fences, and even on the surface or railings of a deck. This species greatly prefers weathered and untreated wood, especially from varieties such as cedar, pine, ash, redwood and cypress. When building a wooden structure on a property, it’s highly recommended to paint or stain the wood in order to act as a deterrent to carpenter bees.
The initial hole created by a carpenter bee will only be a few inches deep. This is just the beginning of the nest. Once situated, a carpenter bee can burrow 6 to 10 inches into the wood, creating a tunnel-like structure. Inside these tunnels is where very small cells will be formed. The female carpenter bee will lay eggs in these cells as well as stuff the spaces with pollen as a food source. The eggs will eventually develop and remain in the carpenter bee nest cells for approximately three months before being mature enough to venture out.
Contrary to popular belief, carpenter bees do not actually eat wood. They do chew wood to create their nests, but that wood does not pass through their digestive system. Rather, carpenter bees feast on a diet of nectar from flowers as well as pollen from a variety of plants. Carpenter bees tend to stay away from human food and do not eat insects like a number of wasp species do.
Because of the plant-based diet of a carpenter bee, this species is a very good pollinator. Dry pollen grains are removed from a plant using sound waves generated by the thoracic muscles of the carpenter bee. This process is known as buzz pollination. Plants that are commonly pollinated by carpenter bees include a wide variety of flowers and fruit and vegetable plants like eggplant, tomato and blueberry.
Carpenter bees tend to be a very dangerous insect because of the damage that is caused as nests are constructed and expanded. This species of bee will bore into wood structures in order to create an elaborate nest. That wood will also be used to create a pulp-like substance that forms the interior cells of the nest. Unfortunately, this process can occur quite quickly. A carpenter bee can create a starter hole in just a matter of a couple of hours.
Not only are the holes left behind by carpenter bees unsightly, but this can cause a structural problem if left unaddressed. While the initial hole that is created is not very deep, tunnels are formed throughout the interior of the wood structure to allow for female carpenter bees to lay eggs.
If the process of creating a carpenter bee nest is completed inside a tree, this can damage the tree and compromise the integrity of even very established growth. However, carpenter bees tend to be attracted to dead trees and lumber such as, pine, cedar and ash.
Compared to other bee species, the carpenter usually is docile. However, its behavior can change when it is close to its burrows where young may be hidden. This is why carpenter bee infestations are particularly problematic when they are placed in spots where people frequently are found. Incidents with stinging females multiply, and with the male's propensity for darting and flying aggressively, people can be made distinctly uneasy.
Carpenter bees can cause quite a bit of destruction with their behavior, but this is not an insect that has been known to carry any kind of disease. The sting of a carpenter bee is the most prevalent risk to a person’s or pet’s health.
Signs of a carpenter bee presence include:
• Sawdust piles on the ground where the nest is located • Circular holes are found in wood on fences, homes, sheds and other structures • The presence of carpenter bees in a specific location • Buzzing heard in walls or structures
To help prevent carpenter bee issues, the following steps should be taken:
• Utilize painted or treated wood whenever possible • Repair damaged wood surfaces to deter carpenter bees • Use products to repel and eliminate carpenter bees from a Warminster property • Offer a specific location where carpenter bees can safely populate away from humans
Proper carpenter bee control involves a series of steps, including the application of insecticides, dusts, and the sealing of existing holes. The selected insecticide is used as the initial form of treatment, followed by the injection of a specific dust formulation which provides residual protection. Finally, entrance holes are plugged after the carpenter bee colony has been given sufficient time to distribute the treatment products throughout the nest area.
Newtown Termite & Pest Control utilizes a multi-faceted approach to eradicating the unwanted bees. When combined, the processes work together to ensure that your Newtown home or office remains a pest-free environment.