Unlike honey bees and bumblebees , carpenter bees are an unwelcomed sight throughout the Bensalem area.
Most people are willing to leave carpenter bees alone. After all, these insects pollinate plants and trees just like other bee species. Nonetheless, carpenter bees are a breed apart. When they leave the garden and start nesting in a building, deck or fence, they become a terrible nuisance.
Why do carpenter bees make holes in door frames, window frames, siding and outdoor furniture that is made of wood? It is simply a part of their nature. Unlike other bee species that build large nests from tiny wood fibers that are chewed with saliva to make a paper-like substance, the carpenter bee burrows into unprotected wood. Each bore hole will host eggs that will later hatch to produce a new generation.
The good news is that property owners can take steps to make their buildings look less attractive to carpenter bees. Unfortunately, if the pests have already become established on the premises, uprooting them can be an uphill battle.
When carpenter bees invade, hiring a local pest management company is the trusted and guaranteed solution.
People frequently think of all bees as having some version of the well-known yellow and black coloring that is associated with many species. The carpenter bee is different in that its body usually is black, though more exotic colors like blue, purple and green also may be noted. Carpenter bees also are larger than other bee species with females measuring about one inch in length. Their shiny bodies are almost hairless, and it may be possible to differentiate the sexes based on the white markings that adorn the heads of the males. Also noteworthy is the fact that the female has a stinger while the male does not have this defense mechanism.
In natural areas, carpenter bees are found leading their solitary lives close to rotting stumps and logs. This wood is easy to excavate so the female does not have to expend a lot of energy in making burrows.
Carpenter bees look for similar conditions in places that are occupied by people. Thus, any unpainted or damaged wood on the premises is vulnerable. Members of the species may be found in wood or yard debris piles as well as man-made items such as decks, fences and outdoor furniture. Posts, railings, exterior doors and siding also may bear the telltale perfectly round holes of the carpenter bee burrow.
Both hardwoods and softwoods may be damaged by the carpenter bee if they are in declining condition.
Sweet, naturally occurring items like plant nectar are the stable foods of the carpenter bee. Feeding on these sugary things is essential so that the female can begin egg laying in the spring. As she lays eggs, they are left with a regurgitated combination of nectar and pollen as sustenance.
Thanks to this heavy reliance on sweet foods, which also are popular with people, carpenter bees often are found wherever people are preparing food or eating. Soda, juice, fruit, baked goods and condiments are just a few examples of the kinds of food that attract these pests.
Property owners tend to put a great deal of care into maintaining the buildings that they own. Nonetheless, maintenance issues can get out of hand, and some of these problems occur in out-of-the-way places so that people may not immediately notice them.
These are golden opportunities for carpenter bees. Any wood that may have been damaged in a flood or water leak is vulnerable. If unpainted, unstained wood has been placed anywhere on the property, then the carpenter bees will find it.
Repairing one or two such holes in the exterior of a building may not be a huge problem, but carpenter bee infestations in Bensalem are not always caught in their earliest stages. If the problem has been ongoing for two or more years, the damage could be extensive. Moreover, other pests may be taking advantage of the destruction.
Compared to other bee species, the carpenter usually is docile. However, its behavior can change when it is close to its burrows where young may be hidden. This is why carpenter bee infestations are particularly problematic when they are placed in spots where people frequently are found. Incidents with stinging females multiply, and with the male's propensity for darting and flying aggressively, people can be made distinctly uneasy.
Reactions to stings from carpenter bees tend to be mild. Itching, swelling and pain are the most common reactions, and these usually subside quickly with just antihistamine and over-the-counter pain relievers.
Some portion of the population is allergic to bee stings of all descriptions. This makes them prone to a large local reaction that is characterized by hives, intense itching, overall redness and problems with breathing. Most people who have this reaction require medical intervention to recover. Death can ensue in extreme cases that are not treated.
Signs of a carpenter bee presence include:
• Tiny piles of sawdust sitting next to foundations • Building exteriors exhibit unexplained staining • Black, winged insects flying aggressively • Circular holes approximately the diameter of a pencil on wooden surfaces
To help prevent carpenter bee issues the following steps should be taken:
• Ensuring that all wood on the premises is in good repair and painted, stained or treated • Replacing wood that is damaged in water leaks or flooding • Storing woodpiles and yard debris piles 20 feet away from structures • Keeping fencing and decking in good repair • Monitoring building exteriors, especially in the spring, for signs of carpenter bee activity
Proper carpenter bee control involves a series of steps, including the application of insecticides, dusts, and the sealing of existing holes. The selected insecticide is used as the initial form of treatment, followed by the injection of a specific dust formulation which provides residual protection. Finally, entrance holes are plugged after the carpenter bee colony has been given sufficient time to distribute the treatment products throughout the nest area.
Newtown Termite & Pest Control utilizes a multi-faceted approach to eradicating the unwanted bees. When combined, the processes work together to ensure that your Newtown home or office remains a pest-free environment.